[RP TownTalk] LVT is good public policy

Andrew Farrington somefool at dvnt.com
Tue Apr 11 17:13:21 UTC 2006

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Laureys, Ken R. wrote:

> Like a voice in the wilderness, Jack Jones has preached the LVT gospel 
> for some two decades, with disciples like David, Chris, myself and 
> others increasingly hearing and adopting this approach as a good 
> community-building policy for our town.  And to reassure those who fear 
> changes to the status quo (which has left us with a ghost-town center 
> for 20 years), don't worry.  Most residents' property taxes would be the 
> same or less, because homes on residential lots are already the highest 
> and best use for such land.

How about homes on Mixed-Use-Commercial-and-Residential-zoned lots?

Andrew Farrington

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