[RP TownTalk] Land Value Tax Calculator

david lingua inkywaterbears at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 13 13:12:30 UTC 2006

Currently the underutilized commercial property on
Rhode Island Avenue owned by Mr. Jemal's company would
net Mr. Jemal $110.- in decreased taxes under LVT as
the property stands right now.
A cursory glance at at the town shows a large number
of residential properties, if not a majority, would
see their tax rates increase. One sees more red than
green as one looks at page after page at the site
provided by Mr. Hiles. While Mr. Hiles did provide the
caveat emptor ("might look like"), the examples
demonstrate negligible incentive for adopting LVT.


--- "Regina M. Kreger" <regina at kreger.net> wrote:

    As I understand it, most residential taxes go
down; taxes onunderutilized commercial property goes

Nancy wrote:  
 Wait a minute. If some folks' taxes are going down,
then whose taxes aregoing up? Or is this mainly a
mechanism to reduce tax revenue for localgovernment?
NancyRiverdale Road-----Original Message-----From:
TownTalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org[mailto:TownTalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org]
On Behalf Of david linguaSent: Wednesday, April 12,
2006 5:31 PMTo: David Hiles;
TownTalk at riverdale-park.orgSubject: Re: [RP TownTalk]
Land Value Tax CalculatorWell now I know.State:       
       $ 21.- increaseCounty:            $ 72.-
increaseMunicipal         $ 61.- increaseTotal        
       $154.- increaseFederal deduction return (+/-)  
  $ 24.-Total net out of pocket:        $130.-This is
on a residential valuation under $200K.The numbers
tell it all.Thank you, David.                --- David
Hiles <hilesd at mindspring.com> wrote:  
My messages to this list are being moderated because I
was judged to violate the posting
what your taxes might be like under a LVT?Put your
address intothe calculator available at the link below
and you will get a suggested LVT tax bill.  It uses
public tax records as the main input.LVT
are who we have been waiting
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