[RP TownTalk] Land Value Tax Calculator

David Hiles hilesd at mindspring.com
Fri Apr 14 01:34:24 UTC 2006

My messages to this list are being moderated because I was judged to 
have violated the posting standards.

The handy calculator tells us what an initial change could be.  I'm 
afraid it can tell us nothing about what the impact of the RP council's 
decision would be.

On Apr 13, 2006, at 10:11 AM, Andrew Farrington wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Apr 2006, David Hiles wrote:
>> The shifted amounts are small in most cases, which I think is what 
>> Mr. Lingua noticed.  This small initial shift is intentional, so that 
>> there is not a big disruption at the beginning.  The first change is 
>> something like a 20 percent cut in the tax rate on improvements, with 
>> the revenue made up by increasing the rate on land.  Over time, more 
>> of these changes are made so that the town eventually gets to the 
>> target high rate on land and the target low rate on improvements.  
>> Making the change all at once is unnecessary and would be cause more 
>> problems than it would solve.
> So, in other words, this handy calculator actually tells us nothing?
> Andrew Farrington

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