[RP TownTalk] Response to TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 19 Recommendation for a Painter?

Iris McLaurin elsiegoh at starpower.net
Sat Apr 15 16:47:52 UTC 2006

Recommendation for a Painter?




Welcome to Riverdale Park!  ROB DOLINA 301-927-1832

I think you will like his prices, his work, his great sense of humor, and
his team's great customer service. (His team includes, but is not limited
to, his Dad, Uncle and close childhood friend--so he has dependable folks).
Rob was referred to us by a neighbor when we needed roofing work.  Several
locals have used Rob's services, he's a resident, and his business is based
in Riverdale Park, so he can't afford NOT to do excellent workmanship.   (We
know where he lives!  His home on Cleveland Avenue is beautiful, ask him to
tell you how he restored it!)


Our house is badly in need of exterior painting, too! I was holding out
because I thought if I could identify several other residents who also need
Spring paint jobs, perhaps we could get Rob to give us a "group rate"
--although his prices are already very,very reasonable.  Actually, my
thought was that we should barter for group rates for all of our homeowner
needs--(like replacing air conditioning units, I hope it stays cool for a
while!).   Residents could compile a list of "approved" contractors (those
we've used and would recommend), then residents could choose to use those
businesses and perhaps receive the special Riverdale Park rate.  A win-win
situation for residents and contractors.  By the way, for the past 11 years
I've carried American Home Shield insurance to cover my appliances-only $45
a visit, and $38 a month billed to your mortgage or direct.  They've
replaced an old washing machine and water heater with brand new appliances.
I am satisfied with their service, only one complaint that was a big
one---but overall, I'd highly recommend them.


Hope things work out.


Iris and Sky

4704 Oliver Street

(301) 864-1940

(240) 383-7348-best contact



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