[RP TownTalk] Queensbury Buses

Rob Oppenheim rob.oppenheim at comcast.net
Sun Apr 23 04:59:32 UTC 2006

On Sat, 22 Apr 2006 13:28:34 -0700 (PDT), Holly Moreland wrote:
>We have way too many buses coming through Queensbury.  Our home
>constantly is covered in filth from their exhaust.

Interesting you should mention that. Several people complained to me 
about these buses when I was campaigning. Below is part of my Ward 1 
Report for the next Town Crier asking for public comment concerning 
this very issue.

Queensbury Buses
On April 17, I attended the community transit workshop, which 
gathered citizens' comments for the new Transit Service and 
Operations Plan (the county public bus plan). Several participants 
expressed a need for later and more frequent service. One Hyattsville 
resident mentioned her frustration at how buses running on Queensbury 
Road add noise and pollution and tear up the street. She wanted fewer 
buses and asked about the possibility of routing them along East-West 
Highway instead of Queensbury Road. What are your thoughts? 

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