[RP TownTalk] Queensbury Buses

Andrew Farrington somefool at dvnt.com
Sun Apr 23 21:37:35 UTC 2006

I for one would vastly prefer the buses coming past my front door on 
Queensbury than slowing my commute on 410.  I like the idea of limiting 
through-traffic in some ways, but I think if we were to do that, like on 
Queens Chapel Road in University Park, we should let the buses through.

Another thing to consider in limiting through-traffic is that we want 
people to see the "For Lease" signs in the town center, yeah?  And the 
eventual "Slim Hippy's Granola Market and All Night Boulangerie" signs?

Andrew Farrington
4605 Queensbury

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, David Hiles wrote:

> My messages to this list are being moderated because I was judged to
> have violated the posting standards.
> ************************************
> why is it OK for our town to have our residential streets used as
> alternatives to 410 (queensbury) and rt 1 (cleveland-dupont-lafayette)?
> we already have two north-south highways (rt1, kenilworth, not to
> mention csx) running through town and east/west cutting us apart in the
> other dimension.  that is enough, we do more than our our share
> accomodating other people's commutes.
> we should implement traffic limiting strategies like they have in
> hyattsville and university park so people can't use queensbury and
> lafayette for through traffic.  our neighbor's setups aren't perfect,
> but they have better quality-of-life results than we currently enjoy...
> i grew up in a house with a bus stop at our front door.  it was
> convenient for my mom's commute but the noise was not worth it.  put
> the buses on 410.
> some problems have solutions.
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