[RP TownTalk] [TownTalk] traffic issues con't.

bruce.wernek at mindspring.com bruce.wernek at mindspring.com
Tue Apr 25 16:28:45 UTC 2006


Sidewalks run on both sides of Queensbury Road from the Town Hall all the way to the west boundary.  Beyond that we have no jurisdiction.

Buses are exempt from the directional postings.  I apologize, I should have mentioned this.  I took it for granted that everyone knew.

Frankly, our town couldn't be more transit or pedestian oriented.  There are numerous bus stops on Queensbury and Riverdale road among others.  There are sidewalks along 95% of the streets in the sections between Kenilworth and the towns west border.  There's a train station in the center of town and a subway station 1/2 mile away.  There's a bike trail along the creek from Lake Artimesia to Comar Manor and two parks along this route not to mention the Riversdale Mansion.  Numerous business on Rt 1 and Kenilworth are well within walking distance.  The main area which is lacking is the Town Center which has been vacant largely because of unrealistic rental rates not because business owners don't want to rent the spaces.  I think Riverdale is aces in the areas of transit/pedestrian friendly.

Bus stops on Rt 410 would not make things any worse if there are pullover lanes.  If anything they would slow down the speeders.  If there are directional postings in the town, the "commuters" will be forced to stay on Rt 410.  Problem solved. 

-----Original Message-----
>From: ickyfoot <eric at ickyfoot.com>
>Sent: Apr 25, 2006 9:17 AM
>To: TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
>Subject: [RP TownTalk] [TownTalk] traffic issues con't.
>"we need to make this town more walkable and more transit oriented"
>I really like all of the points Steve made, which I feel are well 
>summarized by that one line.
>Our town is most definitely not conducive to walking places. Many 
>streets do not have sidewalks. Only one side of Queensbury heading into 
>Hyattsville (west of Rt 1) has a sidewalk, etc. I can't help but wonder 
>if more people would be willing to walk to the metro if the town were 
>more walking friendly. It actually is a truly beautiful walk, especially 
>once you get into Hyattsville with its enormous oaks and old bungalows.
>Now, with all the talk of developing our town center, I think we have a 
>real opportunity. I can only hope that something along the lines of the 
>Kentlands near Gaithersburg will take shape. Fortunately there are many 
>unique houses around town, so it won't be a cookie-cutter type 
>situation, but we can try to conceive of things concentrically, with the 
>shops/farmer's market/MARC station being the epicenter of the community. 
>If you think about it, things are already kind of set up that way. Such 
>a conception and infrastructure supporting it lends itself nicely to 
>getting people out of their cars and onto their feet. It's based on the 
>idea that people are generally willing to walk up to a mile to get 
>places. If we ensure something like a coop or other food market goes in 
>to our community's store front, that would probably help immensely.
>"Riverdale is the "pass through" town because everyone uses Queensbury 
>to bypass the Rt 1/Rt 410 intersection and take Queensbury to Taylor to 
>get back on Rt 410 or Queensbury to Lafayette to River Rd for Kenilworth 
>IMO, moving the buses over to 410, no matter how well you try to 
>accomodate them, will promote this sort of thing, not prevent it.
>"I am fed up with the attitude that we have to accomodate these 
>"commuters" when there are main roads available for this purpose."
>The problem with this, imo, is that many of these "commuters" are people 
>who live in our community, including myself. I consider it to be an 
>invaluable asset. I absolutely cannot stand driving to work, and to me, 
>the fact that the F4 runs 3 blocks from home all the way to the metro in 
>Silver Spring (where I work) is an invaluable asset to this community.
>The back ups caused by the trains have nothing to do with this. And in 
>fact, if you were to reduce, eliminate, or make the bus less accessible, 
>you'd probably see more cars cutting through, which would lead to longer 
>backups during rush hour train passings, etc.
>What about something where ONLY buses are allowed on Queensbury and 
>Riverdale Rd during morning and evening rush hour? All other times of 
>day, the two roads are pedestrian only. The F4 would have a rush route 
>(Queensbury/Riverdale Rd) and non-rush route (410, which is much less 
>insane during the day). The Queensbury/Rt 1 and Riverdale Rd/Kenilworth 
>Ave intersections could be converted to circles, sidewalks could be run 
>up and down both sides of Queensbury, etc.
>Come to think of it, putting circles in at Queens/Rt 1 and 
>Riverdale/Kenil might not work as they are very close to the 410 
>intersections, and may lead to really bad traffic on Rt 1 and Kenilworth 
>at certain times of day.
>Unfortunately the reality is that 410, Rt 1, and Kenilworth are MAJOR 
>roads. We're never going to escape that fact. Limiting our mass transit 
>options, however, is not the solution in my mind, and in fact would just 
>bring more of the spillover to the heart of town.
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