[RP TownTalk] [TownTalk] traffic issues con't.

ickyfoot eric at ickyfoot.com
Tue Apr 25 17:12:13 UTC 2006


You make an interesting point about the town center and traffic. The 
question is: do we want to encourage the people in our community to walk 
to those stores or do we want to encourage people from other places 
around town to drive to it?

Considering all of the development planned for Rt 1, and considering how 
small the stores and parking areas are in our town center, it seems the 
former would be preferable...but that's obviously just my opinion.

On the other hand, maybe opening Queensbury and Riverdale Rd to traffic 
only in the evenings (say after 6 or 7?) and on the weekends would 
strike a good balance?

I dunno. I'm not really all that unhappy with things now. This is just 
kind of a dream-world scenario for me. I'm increasingly disillusioned by 
the notion of using cars to simply get around town.

Oh, and are our hands tied with regard to the "slum lord" who owns the 
town center buildings?

Andrew Farrington wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Apr 2006, ickyfoot wrote:
>>> The main area which is lacking is the Town Center which has been 
>>> vacant largely because of unrealistic rental rates not because 
>>> business owners don't want to rent the spaces.
>> It is so aggravating. How long has the situation been like this? Is it
>> completely out of our control?
> I strongly feel that limiting through traffic would be a giant step in 
> the wrong direction as far as addressing this issue goes.
> On the other hand, it's been "like this" as in "slumlord-owned ghost 
> town" to whatever degree, for approximately forever.  Two weeks from 
> tomorrow, in fact, it will have been exactly forever.
> Andrew

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