[RP TownTalk] Traffic on Queensbury Road

dominey at mris.com dominey at mris.com
Tue Apr 25 18:39:04 UTC 2006

Hello, neighbors.
We live on Queensbury Road in Hyattsville and please believe me, it is a nightmare! I have a petition signed by every household on this street (didn't venture in the Riverdale Park section of QB) asking our administration to do something about this absolutely horrendous traffic situation. Rush hour traffic is unbelievable, vibrations to our homes, dust, trash, noise, etc. Most of this traffic is cut-through commuter vehicles trying to avoid RT 410 between Belcrest and Taylor. Weekend traffic has worsened also in the 3 years that we have lived here and if nothing is being done, we expect it to get even heavier.
My numerous tallies of the buses running through: about 20 buses per hours, 15-16 of them completely empty. Granted, the F4 bus tends to be quite full during evening rush hours, but the passangers definitely do not board from Queensbury Road. These are mostly riders catching the bus at the metro station and going across towards New Carrollton. The Bus is TOTOLLY empty about 99% of the times. 1% of the time it carries 1-2 passangers.
I don't see why Queensbury Road should accomodate and carry all this traffic. We should work together to divert commuters to our major roads as much as possible and make the peripheral streets accessible to local traffic. Other jurisdictions are implementing it successfully and the results are obvious: cleaner, safer neighborhoods with much higher property values.
And just FYI: I have lived in Adams Morgan for 15 years and I am very well aware of a wide variety of issues and the effort and energy it takes to get them resolved.
Sandra Dominey
4005 Queensbury Rad

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