[RP TownTalk] [TownTalk] traffic issues con't.

ickyfoot eric at ickyfoot.com
Tue Apr 25 21:00:28 UTC 2006

 >When you figure out how to motivate someone who owns private property 
to do something different than what they want to do, let me know! :-)

Heh...well it's tough when they are willing to leave the damn things 
completely empty.

My apologies for inadvertantly calling people "slum lords" who may well 
not be. I have heard stories about Jamal from a friend who also lives in 
the neighborhood, and the term seems to apply to him. I was unaware of 
others owning property in Riverdale. I know nothing about these other 
property owners, so I can't fairly apply that term.

As for the store front, I kind of had the impression that there were a 
lot of artists around. I recall hearing that the Riverdale area 
development is being conceived of as something of an artist community. 
This got me thinking. I'm a musician, I know artists in the area, etc. 
What if one of the stores were a one-stop-shop for musicians, artists, 
writers, etc? The stores aren't that big (from what little I can see 
through the windows), so it would probably need to be more of a supply 
shop (i.e. guitar strings, not guitars). I know I'd make real good use 
of a place like that, as I'm always in need of strings or batteries or 
something of that sort. This is also the sort of place that will 
potentially draw non-residents. It would probably be worth it to check 
out the competition in CP and Mt Rainier, though.

Anyway, I'm down for a meeting at S&Js or something. I love 
brainstorming. Unfortunately my schedule is hectic and erratic, so my 
ability to get in on the action will come and go.

And speaking of music, are there any drummers on the list in need of a band?

Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland wrote:
>> You make an interesting point about the town center and traffic. The
>> question is: do we want to encourage the people in our community to walk
>> to those stores or do we want to encourage people from other places
>> around town to drive to it?
> Or both! Years ago I was talking to a business owner whose business is 
> located on Route 1. I was talking to him about the space in Town 
> Center. His comment stuck with me. He said that in order to survive 
> and prosper, a business needs to serve both local and nonlocal 
> customers. It was his feeling that the space in our Town Center is 
> less desirable than space on Route 1 because it was harder to find and 
> get to. This means that people from out of town might not risk going 
> there.
> I think we all love the idea of locally-owned and operated businesses 
> that serve the local community. But we need to recognize how hard it 
> is for a business owner to succeed if they are only serving the 
> relatively few people who can walk to Town Center.
>> On the other hand, maybe opening Queensbury and Riverdale Rd to traffic
>> only in the evenings (say after 6 or 7?) and on the weekends would
>> strike a good balance?
> I think this is a really interesting idea....
>> Oh, and are our hands tied with regard to the "slum lord" who owns the
>> town center buildings?
> And that's a whole different discussion...
> When you figure out how to motivate someone who owns private property 
> to do something different than what they want to do, let me know! :-)
> The only control we have is to enforce our own codes, and to insure 
> that new construction conforms to the zoning guidelines.
> -Sarah

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