[RP TownTalk] Kids Today?

Andrew Farrington somefool at dvnt.com
Tue Apr 25 23:24:36 UTC 2006

When I was a boy, I used to push my parents' lawn mower around College 
Park and knock on the doors of houses with long grass, trying to get the 
owners to let me mow their lawns for $10.  Times have changed.  Last year 
I was paying a boy $20 to do it, but I had to all but ambush him instead 
of him asking me, and I have yet to see him this spring.  Where are the 
kids?  Why aren't they pushing around mowers?  Do they all have more than 
enough money?  Is it the video games?  I'm mystified.

If anyone knows or knows of a kid that wants to mow my lawn for $20 a pop, 
please let me know!  Or just send him by with his mower; if I'm not home 
[he] can come back and collect the $20, I'm good for it.  It's got to be a 
kid though, not an under-employed adult with um, issues.  I'm done with 

Andrew Farrington
4605 Queensbury Road

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