[RP TownTalk] [TownTalk] RE: Town Center

ickyfoot eric at ickyfoot.com
Wed Apr 26 16:43:45 UTC 2006

"Speaking of density, 500+ condos are going to be built on the Lustine 
property, and 500 more are planned to replace the ERCO building, both of 
which are less than 1/2 mile from the Town Center. How much density do 
you need? What we need is more commerical space not more 
apartments/condos given this backdrop. As far as I'm concerned, this is 
what we should be pushing for with the Patriot Group."

I couldn't agree more.

What is your relationship with Doug Jamal? Are you both landlords of 
different store fronts in the town center?

As for ways to get his attention, that's a toughie because, as I 
mentioned earlier, there's nothing we can hold over his head if there 
are no stores to boycott, etc.

I am, however, curious if any laws exist that relate to 'eyesores' or 
whatever (not a comment on the buildings, which look beautiful). If so, 
I wonder if their wording might lend itself to requiring a landlord to 
lower rent prices in order to fill empty space in a commercial area. Or 
perhaps there is another sort of law? Zoning?

As for what to put in there, I was quite bummed that the bike shop 
closed like 3 weeks before I moved in. I probably could have single 
handedly kept that place afloat. Bike shop, artist depot, what else? 
What are people into?

I agree that looking to the outside is important for business longevity, 
but it might be a good idea to look internally when deciding what to 
bring in. That way the stores reflect the interests of the community, 
which would have implications for who moves here, etc.

TownTalk-request at riverdale-park.org wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Town Center (bruce.wernek at mindspring.com)
>    2. Re: Kids Today? (Leslie Plant)
>    3. Re: Kids Today? (Alan Thompson & Sarah Wayland)
>    4. Community Forklift (Jonah Blaustein)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 08:23:28 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
> From: bruce.wernek at mindspring.com
> Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Town Center
> To: ng_md at verizon.net, TownTalk <TownTalk at riverdale-park.org>
> Message-ID:
> 	<3747931.1146054208905.JavaMail.root at mswamui-andean.atl.sa.earthlink.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Me, I own property in the Town Center.
> All markets are based on perception and price.  If folks feel good about a product and the price is right they will by it.  If they feel bad about it, they won't regardless of the price.  This applies to stocks, laundry detergent, cars, etc, and even the Town Center.  Now what is the preception of the Town Center?  Judging by all of the recent discussion on this forum, not good.  When folks pass by, all they have seen for decades is a vacant, at one time, delelict property.  This perception is engrained in anyone who has lived here for any period of time or drives through the area.  I venture to say, most people don't even look at or think about the Town Center because there has been nothing there for so long.  It has nothing to do with apartment/condo buildings, density, or other "ecomomic development".  It's easy to sell out the highest bidder rather than solve the fundamental problems.  After all, if you sell out and build apartments/condos, all you have to do is say yes.  If you want to improve peoples perception, you have to market the Town Center, work with a difficult landlord who doesn't want to lower his rents, and most importantly, be regular customers at the businesses there (I prefer this approach).  At one time, the Town Center was a successful shopping center and there was a lot less density 20+ years ago (If any long time residents have something to add here please do).
> Speaking of density, 500+ condos are going to be built on the Lustine property, and 500 more are planned to replace the ERCO building, both of which are less than 1/2 mile from the Town Center.  How much density do you need?  What we need is more commerical space not more apartments/condos given this backdrop.  As far as I'm concerned, this is what we should be pushing for with the Patriot Group.
> Over the years, I have received numerous "suggestions" about which tenants I should have in my spaces.  A typical comment is; "what's your problem, why don't you lease to Starbucks, a food coop, a bakery, etc".  I would happily lease my propery to any of these tenants.  It's a no brainer.  Tenants like these don't want to lease my spaces because of the adjacent vacant properties and the perception people have of the Town Center as I outlined earlier.  The only tenants I can attract are a consignment shop and store front churchs.  If any of you can bring forward one of the previously listed tenants, I will be happy to rent to them.
> The bottom line is that it's not going to be easy to improve things at the Town Center.  It's going to take hard work to get those spaces leased.  The current administration has already hired someone to help with the economic development of the Town which is a good first step.  The next and perhaps more difficult step is to appeal to Doug Jemal to be more receptive to the rents being offered by parties interested in leasing his spaces.  This will take some head scratching, so does anyone have any suggestions?
> Bruce
> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ng_md at verizon.net
>> Sent: Apr 25, 2006 4:44 PM
>> To: TownTalk <TownTalk at riverdale-park.org>
>> Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Town Center
>> Dannielle is making a lot of great points. What are we aiming for with the Town Center? I would also like to take some action, but only if I knew what action to take and what it was supposed to accomplish.  
>> I was enjoying my own personal vision of a food co-op, but darn if I know if it's practical, sustainable, attractive to anybody who might be willing to run such a thing, and feasible given the obstinacy of the main landowner. 
>> So who does own other properties in the Town Center? 
>> Nancy
>> =====================
>> From: Dannielle Glaros <dmglaros at gmail.com>
>> Date: Tue Apr 25 13:15:07 CDT 2006
>> To: TownTalk <TownTalk at riverdale-park.org>
>> Subject: [RP TownTalk] Town Center
>> A few thoughts about the Town Center.
>> 1.  The town has hired a consultant who will help us market and  
>> promote the Town Center.  She starts in June.
>> 2.  Jemal does not own all of the properties.  Bruce, I doubt you're  
>> offering the same rates as Jemal, so maybe you can help us understand  
>> the challenges you've encountered in renting your properties to  
>> quality tenants (ie. not a store-front church, businesses that open  
>> regularly and consequently attract additional customers) and help us  
>> figure out some solutions.  Maybe J.D. Williams can help us as well.
>> 3.  The Doll Shop and consignment store do operate, but most people  
>> don't know their hours or when they are open.  From the street, they  
>> typically look closed.  Emily has a great doll shop and the  
>> consignment store, I hear, has good items, but how can we help them.  
>> Having businesses in the town center that do not hold very regular  
>> hours makes it tougher.  Could they open during Farmer Market hours?  
>> Should we have signs on major roads advertising businesses in the  
>> town center? other ideas?
>> 4. Jemal's rents are becoming more and more competitive--unless he  
>> has increased them again.  Pat Prangley told me that College Park  
>> rents have dramatically increased and some businesses may be looking  
>> to move....Opportunity for us????
>> 5. In my opinion, the only way to get Jemal's properties rented is to  
>> out maneuver him.  In other words, work with the properties that are  
>> not under his control to get those rented to the types of businesses  
>> we would like to see.  Know are market analysis and develop a  
>> marketing brochure and reach out to businesses we would like to see  
>> come to our town.  Encourage local entrepreneurship and work with  
>> banks to secure loans so that these businesses can get started.   
>> Rumor is that there are some people with restaurant background in our  
>> town.  There are definitely a lot of artists.  Let's capitalize on  
>> our strengths!
>> 6.  The best shot we have at ensuring sustainable businesses in the  
>> town center and less traffic driving to the town center is to  
>> increase our population.  If at least 50+% of clients for the future  
>> town center businesses come by bus/walk/bike, then the traffic will  
>> not be nearly as bad as we attract businesses to the town center.   
>> Yes, traffic could be worse as businesses start occupying the town  
>> center unless we plan accordingly!  This means proposals like Patriot  
>> Group, KSI, and EYA are critical and pedestrian-friendly connections  
>> are essential.  We need quality sidewalks, bike lanes, crosswalks and  
>> lighting.  This does not exist everywhere.  At the moment, our  
>> current population cannot sustain businesses at the town center even  
>> a high portion of S&J's business drives.  Dumm's corner market  
>> derives a strong portion of its profits from its financial  
>> transaction business (P.S. most of the people who use this portion of  
>> their business do not live in town).
>> Lastly, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting tired of  
>> talking I feel the need for action.  Are other people interested in  
>> actively helping the town?  Is the Riverdale Business Assn the right  
>> lead for this?  Another organization?  A group of people who want to  
>> meet for drinks at S&J's?  What do you think is the next step?
>> Dannielle
>> 4800 Sheridan St
>> Dannielle Glaros
>> dmglaros at gmail.com
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>> TownTalk mailing list
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 08:34:05 -0400
> From: "Leslie Plant" <soapmkr at erols.com>
> Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Kids Today?
> To: "'TownTalk'" <TownTalk at riverdale-park.org>
> Message-ID: <002101c6692d$bdac5370$e2672c42 at Leslie>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
> Andrew (and all),
> Also not a kid, but extremely reliable and professional is Juan Castillo
> (301)277-1531 and (240)535-2815 cell.  Jonah and I had him cut the two long
> wide "town strips" outside of our fence for the past two years.  He has
> mowed my next door neighbor's grass for many years and he also does our
> across the street neighbor's grass.  This year I'm going to cut the "town
> strips" myself but if, in the future, I decide to get someone to help me
> with it again, I would definitely call Juan.
> Leslie
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 08:34:33 -0400
> From: Alan Thompson & Sarah Wayland <twacks at his.com>
> Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Kids Today?
> To: TownTalk <TownTalk at riverdale-park.org>
> Message-ID: <b0be0ad67384f23cd14103543402cd9c at his.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> Luis Moreno has been doing our lawn care for the last year. He too 
> lives in town. He's an adult - runs his own business, and like Jonah's 
> recommended person, is reliable, hard working, and pleasant. He did our 
> lawn for $30 last summer - in my opinion, he deserves a raise this 
> year. I don't know what he would charge for your lawn.
> I've had little to no luck trying to hire a "kid" to do yard work for 
> me. But there are a number of adults who do this kind of work who are 
> professional and competent. (I've certainly hired those with "issues" - 
> sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.) So keep looking until you 
> find someone who is a good match for you. It took me 13 years to find 
> Luis. :-)
> He can be reached at 301-440-6379 (his cell phone.) Tell him I sent you!
> -Sarah
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 09:01:04 -0400
> From: Jonah Blaustein <jonah at mindspring.com>
> Subject: [RP TownTalk] Community Forklift
> To: Town Talk <TownTalk at riverdale-park.org>
> Message-ID: <B7EDB199-D524-11DA-8121-000A9590718C at mindspring.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Community Forklift in Edmondston is having grand opening celebrations 
> this weekend. I've been there a few times and it's worth a visit just 
> to get ideas.   -Jonah
> Let's Celebrate!
> Jim, Jon, Billy and Ruthie invite you to the
> Grand Opening of Community Forklift
> April 27-29, 2006
> Have you checked out Community Forklift yet? We are the DC metro area's 
> surplus, salvaged, and green building materials store - owned and 
> operated by the nonprofit Sustainable Community Initiatives. You can 
> donate building materials to receive a tax deduction, or buy new and 
> used items at very low prices!
> Our goals are to:
> *	Lift up communities by making repairs more affordable for homeowners, 
> small businesses and community groups;
> *	Reduce construction waste, decreasing the demand for virgin materials 
> and keeping reusable materials out of landfills and incinerators;
> *	Create career opportunities for local residents; and
> *	Educate the public about green building materials and methods, 
> especially reuse.
> It's time to celebrate our opening!
> Please come to our party on April 29, 2006.
> Where:
> The Community Forklift store at
> 4671 Tanglewood Drive in Edmonston, MD (the Hyattsville area)
> Call 301-985-5180 or find detailed directions  
> <www.communityforklift.com.>
> What & When:
> Contests and Special Discounts
> All day, Thurs. April 27 - Sat. April 29
> Green Building Commerce Fair
> Meet Local Businesses that Choose to Reuse - Fri. April 28 & Sat. April 
> 29, 1-4 pm
> Workshops for Do-It-Yourselfers
> New Lives for Old Materials - Sat. To Be Announced
> A Woman Did It - Sat. 12 pm
> Kids' Activities
> Green Games - Sat. 11 a.m.
> Dollhouses for Little Treehuggers - Sat. 1-4 pm
> Potluck and BBQ
> Meat & Veggie - Sat. 4-8 pm
> Blessing of the Green Builders
> Multi-Denominational - Sat. 5 pm
> Dance, Reggae, & Old School
> with DJ Birdman - Sat. 5:30-8 pm
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> TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
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> End of TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 33
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