[RP TownTalk] Condoms, etc

Karen Smyth karenfsmyth at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 28 19:15:01 UTC 2006

any way to get a breakdown of what money - taxes, etc - comes in and what it's spent on, etc?  These are not little extras that would be nice if only we won the lottery - police, lighting, trash removal, these are basic necessities.  Remember, while Riverdale is generally safe, we are living in the largest crime county in Maryland and beyond.  I can handle when the public property in three large spots near my house are not mowed because they are forgotten about or no one knows whose responsibility it is to mowe it (town vs univ. or metro - I have heard it all --- even when across EW hwy, they are mowing and caring for that memorial park up the stairs at the end of the big parking lot weekly it seems)).  But it's really not too much to ask for additional precuations and sanitary measures.  Trash pick up vs decorations?  That's a little silly, don't you think.  And if the decorations are getting trashed 2 days later, what's the point?  I am ALL for dog parks and holiday
 markets and pet parades and ward parties - ALL for them!  But if given a choice between that or additional lighting so someone does not shoot needles in their arms and leave the leftovers where my children can pick them up or attack someone, I think it's a no brainer!  We have had breakins, odd men lingering on our dead end drinking out of bottles in bags, carjackings. of course not to mention the voodoo chickens and the thread we just were asked not to talk about in this group anymore..  I know more than I care too how difficult it is to have more money needing to go out than in, I realize it's hard... but isn't there anything that can be done?  Not to sound bitchy, but why have a town of Riverdale if Riverdale can't afford any of the basic services needed to sustain a community?

----- Original Message ----
From: Lou King <lking at knob.com>
To: TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 1:54:26 PM
Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Condoms, etc

Sounds nice. I know my dog would like longer walks. But my question 
remains; Who pays for the trail, increased security, electricity for 
lights? It will cost more than a "shiny new quarter" EACH and it will 
cost every month. What is the trail worth? Leaf pickup? street repair? 
Christmas decorations?

To be honest, am a little confused. Maslow would say if we are concerned 
about the niceties of hiker/biker trails, personal security must not 
really be an issue.


Dwight Holmes wrote:
> oops--my msg got cutoff somehow.  let me try again!
> On 11/28/06, Dwight Holmes <dwightrholmes at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I agree. This is also just one more good reason to get the Riverdale
>> Park portion of the old trolley line converted to a hiker/biker trail that would connect to Hyattsville/EPA and College Park.  This includes the path that runs along the west side of the CSX tracks, which is one area people have mentioned as being similarly littered.
>>> I think the best thing we can do for that lovely little park is to light
>>> it.  I'll bet anyone a shiny new quarter that making it harder to do
>>> condom-related activities will decrease the amount of prophylactics in
>>> the area.  It's already right there by the police station, so to my mind
>>> the "cover of darkness" has to be the big draw for the area.  Let's change
>>> it.

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