[RP TownTalk] Mayor and Council Salaries

Judy Glaes judy.glaes at comcast.net
Fri Sep 29 17:33:16 UTC 2006

Re: mayor and council pay increase

Yes, time is a major factor for deciding to run for council. Time is, however, 
closely tied to money for many people, particularly in our working-class town.

* Consider working parents who might like to devote time to improving the
town. They could "make" more time by hiring house-keepers or baby-sitters or
for grocery delivery or car washes or lawn care, if they could afford it.

* The worker who has to take a second job or works optional overtime to make 
ends meet could afford to consider public service.

* People who are self-employed or who work part-time could limit their work 
hours to participate if they could afford it.

At Monday night's work session, it was described how democratic 
governments decided to pay a livable salary for representation so more 
citizens than the wealthy could participate.

Let's elect representatives based on performance as well as those who have
the time. We'll be able to do that better if we encourage more applicants by
bringing the pay for council and mayor closer to work pay. We'd also
increase competition which could improve service. Citizens with less means
could participate, giving them a stake in their town. Let actions get candidates 
elected along with time (and money).

Judy Glaes
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