[RP TownTalk] Update on the Town Clock

Rob Oppenheim rob.oppenheim at comcast.net
Fri Sep 8 18:41:58 UTC 2006

The Town Clock continues to find its own time.
Even the manufacturer rep could not set it.
A repair order is grinding its way thru the system, 
and is currently waiting on price quotes.
We are investigating upgrading the clock so that it will automatically
sync to a GPS time source, and repairing its battery back up
and relocating the electronics (they are currently located in a
limited access building that is for sale). We have no prices yet.
We have to get prices and proposals and vote on it etc etc.
This will take time - especially with public works short handed. 
The clock may have to be sent back to the manufacturer (Verdin) 
for repairs. If this happens and if the Town wants upgrades, the 
upgrades could be done at that time.
-Rob Oppenheim
Ward 1 Councilman, Chair of Community Affairs

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