[RP TownTalk] Election News and Road Work

Rob Oppenheim oppenheim at email.com
Sun Apr 1 18:02:17 UTC 2007

The following three sitting councilmembers have announced that they will NOT be seeking re-election:
Mary Donaldson (Ward 2) 
Lawrence Taylor (Ward 4) 
Gerard Kiernan (Ward 5) 
Please join me in thanking Mary, Lawrence and Gerry for their many years of service.
Also, please give some thoughtful consideration to running for office yourself. 
We need good people on the council. Top management sets the tone and direction 
of the future of our town. This is the group that can do the most to improve our town. 

If not you, perhaps you know someone who would make a good councilmember. 
Please encourage them to run. 

We have until April 12 to submit the necessary paper work and gather the 15 signatures needed 
to run for council (25 signatures for mayor).

The pay for council members will be $300/month starting after the next set of elections in June 2007.
The Mayor will receive $600/month starting in June.

There is some discussion of allowing mayor and council members to join the group health plan of 
the town. Roughly 25 other towns in Maryland allow this.

Other news:

The big road and sidewalk repair work is getting under way! This is going to make a big difference in 
the appearance and safety of our town. Work begins this week with the 2 blocks of Riverdale Road 
between Route One and Rhode Island Ave. This is generally recognized as the worst road in town.
This roadwork project combined with the fine work of our new Public Works director Ron Goff is going 
to make a huge difference in the appearance of this town over the next few months and years.
Rob Oppenheim
Ward One Councilman, Riverdale Park
5902 Cleveland Ave
Riverdale Park, Md 20737-1930
Home Office: 301 779 1745
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