[RP TownTalk] Flood Control and Levee Conditions

Rob Oppenheim rob.oppenheim at comcast.net
Fri Apr 6 20:59:57 UTC 2007

On Fri, 06 Apr 2007 15:13:40 -0400, Lisa Grob wrote: 
>I understand that sediment is big part of this problem and not as
>easy to solve as the trees & roots. The sediment is actually filling
>up the river and it comes from the run off of gunk from businesses,
>parking lots etc. What can we do about that? Improve stormwater

There was a good bit of discussion about sediment build up and about
storm water management at the meeting. These are complex issues. 

The old dredging machine at the Bladensburg water front is being
retired and a new dredging contract is being issued. There was concern
that this will still not be adequate. 

The county also needs new rules governing water runoff and 
construction, especially with "in-fill" construction that currently
gets grand fathered in as not requiring modern runoff management.

There was an excellent presentation by Robert Boone of the Anacostia
Watershed society showing how water runoff has cut huge gullies, and
what are the current best practices for addressing these problems. The
county council members were clearly concerned and will be looking at
ways to improve water runoff rules.


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