[RP TownTalk] Wachovia project - Park and Planning staff report for SP 06003

Alice Ewen Walker alice.ewen.walker at gmail.com
Sat Apr 7 16:47:18 UTC 2007

Town Talk - FYI

The Prince George's County Planning Division has issued its staff
report regarding
the special permit application for the Wachovia proposed for the
corner of EW Hwy and Route 1. This report was prepared for the county
planning board, which will review the request for variance from the
zoning requirements. Report Link:

The status of the application is "Approve with Conditions". Park and
Planning requested several adjustments, all of which are consistent
with the M-UTC committee's prior review. The summary of conditions that will
need to be met by the applicant begins in the section labeled
Conclusions on Page 15.  By my reading, the conditions set forth by
M-NCPPC are not
onerous for the applicant and will improve the quality of the project.

Thanks again to M-UTC committee members Alan Thompson, Rebecca
Feldberg, JD Williams, Orazio Puglisi, Pat Prangley, Gerry Kiernan and
to Park and Planning liaison Dineene O'Connor for their thoughtful
review and specific guidance on the project.

Alice Ewen Walker
Chair, Riverdale Park Mixed Use Town Center Zoning Design Review Committee

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