[RP TownTalk] Doggie massage

Euniverz at aol.com Euniverz at aol.com
Mon Apr 9 11:20:29 UTC 2007

Hi Sarah,
I'd be very interested in bringing my dog in for a doggie massage.  In  her 
life, she's had help from Bach Flower Essences, chiropractic,  and acupuncture 
in addition to reiki and deep tissue massage. When  she's gotten comfortable, 
we'll even do some doggie yoga positions for  you!  Alternative veterinary 
medicine and holistic health are SERIOUS  issues for pet owners.  
I'm also very interested in visiting the pet store this week to let the new  
owner know about my interest in home prepared, locally prepared alternative  
diets for pets and alternatively manufactured, healthier, more safely made pet  
In light of the current fear of deadly pet food, there's a big need for  
finding alternatives.
There's a wonderful dog walker/pet sitter in Riverdale Park.  Perhaps  she'll 
introduce herself...
Adrianne Lefkowitz
Riverdale Park resident, 
Maryland Dog Federation
Humane Society of Harford County, Inc.

Message:  3
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 12:36:58 -0400
From: "Nemeth, Sarah"  <snemeth at gazette.net>
Subject: [RP TownTalk] Pet Store
To:  <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
<67AE35A5840EFF448FA56079114729950129BC50 at gs16.gazette.net>
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Hi everyone! I'm Sarah at  the Gazette. I'd like to know if anyone out there 
has an interest in taking  their pet for a dog massage? I'm also curious about 
the interest in the new  pet store at town center. Are there lots of 
dog-walkers out there? Kitty  people? any exotic pets? 

I'm writing a story about how some people  treat their pets to luxuries that 
many people never get :-). Any thoughts,  comments, quips would be very 

Sarah  Nemeth
Gazette Reporter

Sarah Nemeth
Gazette  Reporter
snemeth at gazette.net
"He uttered his voice, the  earth melted."

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