[RP TownTalk] Reception for Doug Duncan May 1

Vernon Archer varcher at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 16:22:33 UTC 2007

Dear friends and neighbors,

On Tuesday May 1 at 7:30 there will be a reception at Town Hall for Doug
Duncan the newly appointed University of Maryland Vice President for
Administrative Affairs.  Among the matters that he will have charge over is
Facilities Management and therefore control over the Old Air Coup/NOAA
facility, the 4 new buildings that are already slated for construction north
of River Road, and substantial other property holdings. Because of
its ambitious plans for the M Square Enterprise Campus the University is an
increasingly important stake holder in our community.

It is important that the Town welcome Doug and take the earliest opportunity
to foster the same good relations we had with his predecessor John Porcari
(now  Maryland Secretary of Transportation). Please come out and join me in
showing him the warm hospitality of our town, and find out a bit about his
view of the university's future.

Best wishes,


Vernon Archer, Mayor
Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland
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