[RP TownTalk] Trains and Horns

Rob Oppenheim rob.oppenheim at comcast.net
Mon Apr 16 08:41:18 UTC 2007

I (and David Hiles before me) have been working to have the train horns silenced. 

To do so, we have to raise the safety of the crossing high enough to have the area declared a quiet 
zone. Later this year, we are scheduled to get 4-way gates installed. This will be a giant step 
forward in making the intersection safer. 

The Maryland house and senate recently passed bill HB509 that will allow us to install advanced 
enforcement systems that can dramatically increase the safety of the crossing.
I lobbied hard for this bill, and I am very excited that it passed.

The town council approved adding two street lamps to the crossing, and we are looking into 
getting special train track lighting to discourage cars from turning onto the tracks (the most 
common set up to an accident). I also hope to have the sidewalks and curbs improved. 

Most importantly, I hope to get the council to appropriate funds in next years budget to hire 
a consultant that specializes in quiet zones to help us thru the maze of regulations.

Silencing the train horns will improve the quality of life for us all, and it will make the town center 
much more attractive to prospective businesses. It may be the single most important economic 
development item we can undertake. 

I know that some of you are nostalgic for the sound of the horns. Yet many others find them 
painfully loud. I hope you won't miss them too badly when their gone! Getting them silenced 
is a long and difficult project, but we made great headway on it this year.

Rob Oppenheim

Ward One Councilman, Riverdale Park
5902 Cleveland Ave
Riverdale Park, Md 20737-1930

Home Office: 301 779 1745
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