[RP TownTalk] Trains

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 16 10:38:24 UTC 2007

I've lived in town 20 years this year, and I'm right
next to the train track, right next to where they blow
their horns, and right next to where they "park" for
hours.  I'm an EXTREMELY light sleeper and the trains
don't wake me at night.  You move in next to a train
track, guess what -there's gonna be trains and there's
gonna be horns.  We see all too many stories like this
anymore, for instance, people who move out into the
country, then they complain because there's a pig farm
down the road and it smells like pigs.  The trains
have been an integral part of this town for years,
they're even on the town seal, for goodness sakes.  If
you've ever watched how careless people are around the
train tracks, you'd realize those trains need every
single safety device and precaution, including horns,
that they can get.  

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