[RP TownTalk] Master Peace Community Garden Grand Opening!

Vinnie Bevivino okrastar at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 20:46:01 UTC 2007

Hello all:

The Maryland Multicultural Youth Center and the University of  
Maryland's Engaged University is very excited to invite you to the  
grand opening of the Master Peace Community Garden in Riverdale,  
Maryland on Saturday April 21st from 12:30pm to 4:30pm.  We have a  
lot of very fun activities for you and your family and would love to  
see you as we celebrate the community collaboration that made this  
garden possible.

The Master Peace Community Garden, located at the Center for  
Educational Partnership at 6200 Sheridan Street, Riverdale, MD, is a  
joint project of the Maryland Multicultural Youth Center and the  
Engaged University.  The garden has plots for neighborhood families  
to grow fresh and healthy vegetables for their homes, as well as a  
large youth plot that is being planted by students from William Wirt  
Middle School in an after school gardening program.  The garden is  
being designed as a source of healthy food, a safe meeting place for  
neighbors, and a symbol of peace and nonviolence for the young people  
of the community.  Your participation and involvement is welcome and  
much needed!

The grand opening party of the garden is from 12:30 to 4:30 on April  
21st.  We will be working on the garden, allowing families to begin  
the planting of their plots and help the young people plant their  
garden.  Also, we have lots of vegetable and flower seeds and  
transplants to distribute; if you have extra seeds that you would  
like to share please bring them.  We will be serving free food and  
have some great youth and adult musical performances lined up.   
Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer gardening questions.   
Additionally, we will be hosting a friendly sidewalk chalk drawing  
competition, a pickup basketball game, and a soccer scrimmage.   So,  
please, bring your family and friends to enjoy and celebrate the new  
community garden of Riverdale.

We are looking for volunteers for this event to help set up, serve  
food, help out with the basketball and soccer games, and to help  
people in the garden.  If you would like to help volunteer, email  
Genevieve Villamora at gvillamo at umd.edu .

If you have any questions about this event, you can either email  
myself at bevivino at umd.edu, George Morning at george at layc-dc.org, or  
call 301-779-2851.  If you would like to learn more about the garden  
or download a flyer for this event, you can goto http:// 

Thank you all for your support thus far, and we all hope to see you  
at our grand opening!

Happy spring,

Vinnie Bevivino
Community Garden Educator
The Engaged University
Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program

1231D Tawes Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

office - 301/405-0656
cell - 202/360-1805
fax - 301/314-2533

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