[RP TownTalk] TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 21

euniverz at aol.com euniverz at aol.com
Tue Apr 17 21:40:36 UTC 2007

If free press means hand bills and lawn signs, one wastes trees and the other amounts to eye litter (don't get me wrong, I'm all for free press!).  I believe they are both useful vehicles for information but they are certainly not enough.  I say, more electrons, less trees!
I work late, am not home weekends, and have a loud dog (as David can attest).  While I appreciate the time it takes to canvass neighborhoods, my schedule makes it an impractical way for me to learn about candidates.  I am sure there are others like me who have similar constraints.  
Also, there is often a question of not knowing enough of what is going on to even know to ask about it.  That's why I consider the idea of an organized candidates forum, even in tiny Riverdale Park, to be a valid one.  I'm sure there is a way to make it effective for candidates to use TownTalk without becoming unbearable.  I'm not sure I understand how we as a community can afford to be distant from town politics!  It almost sounded like the town legislators, perhaps unintentionally, threw up some barriers to discourse thinking there was a lack of interest on our parts.
Since we're going to have to find out the information ourselves, I would like to know how the individual councilmembers voted on this issue.  Do I contact Town Hall for that information, or can that information be disseminated here?
Adrianne Lefkowitz
Madison Street

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 06:56:11 -0400
From: "Vernon Archer" <varcher at gmail.com>
Subject: [RP TownTalk] Forum--in person debate and via Town Talk
To: TownTalk <TownTalk at riverdale-park.org>
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Voters of Riverdale Park,

There has been a variety of comment over the last several weeks about using
the Town Crier, and Town Talk for publishing statements from candidates for
office, and also about having a separate "forum" of candidates.  I would
like to express some thought on these matters and clarify some of the
official actions taken by the town.

First, regarding the idea of a Town Crier "forum."  The Charter of our town
forbids using any town resources for "electioneering" without the express
permission of the Town Council.  This is in keeping with both the tradition
of Federal and Maryland Election Law.  We have a free press, and the freedom
of speech to allow us to get out our message.  I recommended to the Council
as they debated the issue of allowing electioneering via the Crier and Town
Talk, to only allow this if there is no reasonable way for candidates to get
their message out to voters via the private press, or individual action.

The council decided that publishing the names of candidates, with their
email addresses, and any web or blog site was adequate to provide potential
voters with information about candidate positions.  In a town as small as
ours we do not get much press coverage, however it is easy to get in touch
with individual candidates/office holders via phone, email, or personal
contact.  We also have a strong tradition of candidates going door to door
to meet with constituents face to face.

My read on the Council position is this: if you want to know a particular
candidates position on a particular issue, you can get it with very little
effort. If you find a candidate difficult to get a response from, that
probably tells you something right there ;-} Therefore, the Council decided
not to break with the clear intent of the Town Charter, Maryland and Federal
Election Law.

Town staff should have the list of candidates, with contact information
posted today.  I would also like to point out this is earlier and more
widespread than has ever been the case in previous elections.

Before leaving this topic, I want to say when I created Town Talk by
executive order, I intended it as a means of residents sharing information
about topics of common interest that would be as distanced from electoral
politics as possible. The fact that residents are clearly interested in
politics makes it a very hard line to draw, and I thank the council for
taking up the responsibility of making policy for Town Talk.

Regarding a live candidates forum, the issues are similar.  In elections
recently past, there have been only candidate forums under the auspices of
private organizations or persons.   The town only allowed the use of town
hall space after council action and under the control of a non-government
organization/private citizens.  Under such circumstances, a forum would
clearly be a positive and welcome idea.

The Council could act on a motion to provide a space for a forum on our
April 30 meeting, but in order to make that happen, private organizers would
have to get everything lined up very soon.

Best wishes,


Vernon Archer, Mayor
Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland
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