[RP TownTalk] TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 27

Brian Boettger brian_boettger at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 19 18:01:52 UTC 2007

I'd be very surprised if there is any information at the town or county for 
the building plans for your house unless it was built or had major 
renovations in the past 2-3 years. A plot plan should have been issued when 
you purchased your home and given to you at closing. The plot plan should be 
on file with the county with your deed.


Many of the homes in the area were Sears homes. The link above will take you 
to an archive of most all the Sears homes availible at the time. Via train, 
Sears shipped them to what is now Franklin's.

This site focus' on Riverdale specifically.


Brian Boettger, AIA

>From: towntalk-request at riverdale-park.org
>Reply-To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>Subject: TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 27
>Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 17:25:48 +0000
>Send TownTalk mailing list submissions to
>	towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>	http://riverdale-park.org/mailman/listinfo/towntalk
>or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>	towntalk-request at riverdale-park.org
>You can reach the person managing the list at
>	towntalk-owner at riverdale-park.org
>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of TownTalk digest..."
>Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 21 (Lisa Grob)
>    2. Re: Jemal on abandoned buildings (Lisa Grob)
>    3. wow -- youtube video captures *very* near miss at our	RxR
>       crossing (Dwight Holmes)
>    4. House and Plot Plans (_Liz Aukamp_)
>    5. Re: Candidates for May 7, 2007 Election -  Information
>       Available (David Herron)
>    6. Policy on electronic media (Vernon Archer)
>    7. Re: wow -- youtube video captures *very* near miss at our	RxR
>       crossing (bruce.wernek at mindspring.com)
>Message: 1
>Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 07:57:55 -0400
>From: "Lisa Grob" <lisagrob at verizon.net>
>Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 21
>To: <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
>Message-ID: <005701c78279$f78dfd80$790010ac at liuna.org>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Isn't the issue a legal issue - that town resources can't be used for
>-----Original Message-----
>From: towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org
>[mailto:towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org] On Behalf Of Lou King
>Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5:13 PM
>To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 21
>I would not want to say that the council members 'think there is a lack
>of interest on our part', but legislation to have a candidate forum in
>the May Crier and/or to have some discussion here was, if memory serves,
>discussed during the March working session, the March Legislative
>session, April working session, and the April Legislative session. For
>those not able to come to all those sessions the audio or audio and
>video was on cable.  The proposals were also talked about on this forum
>as was when the council was going to take action. But, Adrianne, you
>knew that because you participated.
>The crowds at Council meetings, interested in these topics, were
>under-whelming.  Yes, the "old goat with an opinion" spoke his mind.
>Alan, our moderator, in self-deference, also spoke (it is easer to do
>your job with guidance, any guidance!).  There may have been another
>resident at that late hour but I don't remember.  Members of the council
>have questioned the significance of the 121 members of this list.  In
>May 2005 there were less than 850 votes cast for Mayor. Currently, by my
>count, there are  2,445  registered voters in town.
>As for unintentional results of their legislative action, I think based
>on what I heard that the council did exactly what they intended.
>Adrianne, do you feel like a lone voice in the woods?
>euniverz at aol.com wrote:
> >   I'm not sure I understand how we as a community can afford to be
> > distant from town politics!  It almost sounded like the town
> > legislators, perhaps unintentionally, threw up some barriers to
> > discourse thinking there was a lack of interest on our parts.
> >
> > Adrianne Lefkowitz
> > Madison Street
> >
> >
>TownTalk mailing list
>To post to the list, send mail to TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
>TownTalk-request at riverdale-park.org is for automated subscription 
>For more information about Riverdale Park, visit
>Message: 2
>Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 07:59:17 -0400
>From: "Lisa Grob" <lisagrob at verizon.net>
>Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Jemal on abandoned buildings
>To: <poplifegirl at mac.com>,	<dwightrholmes at gmail.com>
>Cc: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>Message-ID: <005801c7827a$2863ab30$790010ac at liuna.org>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>I don't know the full history on Jemal & the underutilized town center
>shopping building. Is there anything we can do to get the space rented out?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org
>[mailto:towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org] On Behalf Of
>poplifegirl at mac.com
>Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:05 PM
>To: dwightrholmes at gmail.com
>Cc: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Jemal on abandoned buildings
>Not sure if this was posted already, but he was the focus of last week's
>cover story in the City Paper:
>On Wednesday, April 18, 2007, at 11:31AM, "Dwight Holmes"
><dwightrholmes at gmail.com> wrote:
> >"I care about buildings that have been abandoned and left alone."
> >                                                       --Douglas Jemal
> >
> >http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/17/AR200704170
> >_______________________________________________
> >TownTalk mailing list
> >To post to the list, send mail to TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
> >TownTalk-request at riverdale-park.org is for automated subscription
>processing only
> >http://riverdale-park.org/mailman/listinfo/towntalk
> >
> >For more information about Riverdale Park, visit
> >
> >
>TownTalk mailing list
>To post to the list, send mail to TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
>TownTalk-request at riverdale-park.org is for automated subscription 
>For more information about Riverdale Park, visit
>Message: 3
>Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 09:43:30 -0400
>From: "Dwight Holmes" <dwightrholmes at gmail.com>
>Subject: [RP TownTalk] wow -- youtube video captures *very* near miss
>	at our	RxR crossing
>To: TownTalk <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
>	<8123da3c0704190643o77b9b633tf261fd134f75f40c at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>Yesterday, while looking for David Hiles' new yahoo gropu 
>i discovered there's a rail buff's yahoo group called
>Riverdalerailfans (Riverdale
>Railfans Association)...
>One of the list members has posted this video clip on youtube of a very 
>miss at our RxR crossing last month:
>Seeing this sure makes you appreciate why the train engineers might be a
>little horn-happy!  I'm guessing they see this kind of
>nightmare-in-the-making unfolding right before their eyes way too often. 
>it makes me appreciate our town officials who have been pushing to get an
>upgrade to the crossing gates -- Presumably, when that actually happens,
>this particular kind of stupid act will no longer be impossible.
>"We can have concentrated wealth in the hands of a few or we can have
>democracy.  But we cannot have both."
>     --Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis (1916-39)
>Will the Washington Gnats break the Mets' Lousy record?:
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>Message: 4
>Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:07:57 -0400
>From: "_Liz Aukamp_" <eaaukamp at hotmail.com>
>Subject: [RP TownTalk] House and Plot Plans
>To: TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
>Message-ID: <BAY133-F10F6093C3C0F279F46305DC8570 at phx.gbl>
>Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
>Hi All,
>Can anyone tell me how I ought to go about getting the plans (if they 
>for my house, and for the plot/plat of the house?  Is this something that
>Riverdale Park keeps on file, or do I need to go to the county?  What about
>contact info for the proper office?
>I'm itching to get my garden planned on paper!  (And idle curiosity about 
>old house is at work, too.)  Thanks for any help you can give.
>4710 Sheridan Street
>Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon.
>Message: 5
>Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:56:47 -0400
>From: David Herron <davidh at mdarchives.state.md.us>
>Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Candidates for May 7, 2007 Election -
>	Information Available
>To: rob.oppenheim at comcast.net,TownTalk <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
>Message-ID: < at msamail.mdsa.net>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>The correct link is
>www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us/Misc/2007/04/candidates.html.  There is a dot
>missing before "html."
>David Herron
>At 04:46 PM 4/18/2007, Rob Oppenheim wrote:
> >I am befuddled on how that link got broken. I double checked and
> >it was correct when I sent it (that is, correct in my SENT folder). 
> >
> >In any case, Lou corrected it, and here it is again...
> >
> >For a list of candidates running in the May 2007 elections go here
> ><http://www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us/Misc/2007/04/candidateshtml>http://www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us/Misc/2007/04/candidateshtml
> >
> >Rob Oppenheim
> >
> >Ward One Councilman, Riverdale Park
> >5902 Cleveland Ave
> >Riverdale Park, Md 20737-1930
> >
> >Home Office: 301 779 1745
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >TownTalk mailing list
> >To post to the list, send mail to TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
> >TownTalk-request at riverdale-park.org is for automated subscription
> >processing only
> >http://riverdale-park.org/mailman/listinfo/towntalk
> >
> >For more information about Riverdale Park, visit
> >http://www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us
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>Message: 6
>Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:39:48 -0400
>From: "Vernon Archer" <varcher at gmail.com>
>Subject: [RP TownTalk] Policy on electronic media
>To: TownTalk <TownTalk at riverdale-park.org>
>	<f86ada2a0704190839m1b6b324mad714bd9a92e8635 at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>Dear voters,
>Have you seen the paper election bills on the utility poles in your area
>yet? If you have, you will notice that it gives you the names of the
>candidates for each office and that is all.
>These paper postings, along with an advertisement in a paper of general
>circulation (we use the Town Crier), are the Charter mandated means of
>getting information about elections out to you. Anything that is done by 
>town beyond that represents the Mayor and Council going extra steps to give
>information to the public.
>You will note that when the announcement went out electronically via
>the Town Announce it included for each candidate the 1) phone number; 2)
>email address; and 3) web site (if the candidate has one).  If you want to
>have a one-on-one discussion with the candidates for office you are better
>able to do that now than in any election that has ever occurred in the
>history of Riverdale Park--and Riverdale Park already had a very good 
>of constituent access to candidates.
>Every Council member in one way or another advocated providing more
>information to improve electronic/voice access to the candidates. The only
>no vote on the current policy for improving this access came from a council
>member who wanted to go farther still.
>Also, because of a high quality Town Crier newsletter, and the discussions
>that have occurred on Town Talk over the last 21 months residents have
>available to them the information that should allow them to understand the
>basic issues facing the town.  On top of this we televise our legislative
>meetings, and broadcast the audio of our work sessions.  Residents are free
>to and strongly encouraged to attend these meetings in person.
>In conclusion, after watching the current policy in action I can see 
>things that might need to be changed/improved; however, the system does
>provide more information and encourages better access to the candidates 
>has been the case previously. It would be improper to change the rules in
>the middle of the game, but I will ask the new Council to consider this
>matter immediately when it convenes in June.
>Best wishes,
>Vernon Archer, Mayor
>Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland
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>Message: 7
>Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:10:41 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
>From: bruce.wernek at mindspring.com
>Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] wow -- youtube video captures *very* near
>	miss at our	RxR crossing
>To: TownTalk <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
>	<17518771.1176999041938.JavaMail.root at mswamui-billy.atl.sa.earthlink.net>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>TownTalk mailing list
>TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
>For more information about Riverdale Park, visit 
>End of TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 27

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