[RP TownTalk] TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 27

Alan K. Thompson webmaster at ci.riverdale-park.md.us
Fri Apr 20 00:49:01 UTC 2007

Dear Ms. Lefkowitz,

Yes, some of the statements you marked could be construed as
electioneering, as could many other statements that have gone out on
the list recently.  I did not view them, in context, as
electioneering.  If you believe I made an incorrect decision there is
a process for appealing my decision specified in the policy (see
Of course, I cannot pull messages that have already gone out back, but
if my decision is determined to be wrong I can restrict future
postings more.


Alan Thompson
List Administrator and Acting Webmaster
Town of Riverdale Park

On 4/19/07, euniverz at aol.com <euniverz at aol.com> wrote:
> Electioneering:  "persuasion of voters in a political campaign"
> Can any of the statements in the Mayor's post (see below) be construed as
> "electioneering"?  Specifically, those statements around which I placed
> asterisks?
> Not complaining, just seeking clarification.
> Adrianne Lefkowitz (apparent Town Contrarian)
> Madison Street
> Dear voters,
> <snip>...These paper postings, along with an advertisement in a paper of
> general
> circulation (we use the Town Crier), are the Charter mandated means of
> getting information about elections out to you. (emphasis added AML)
> ****Anything that is done by the
> town beyond that represents the Mayor and Council going extra steps to give
> information to the public.***
> You will note that when the announcement went out electronically via
> the Town Announce it included for each candidate the 1) phone number; 2)
> email address; and 3) web site (if the candidate has one). If you want to
> have a one-on-one discussion with the candidates for office (Emphasis added
> AML) ****you are better
> able to do that now than in any election that has ever occurred in the
> history of Riverdale Park****--and Riverdale Park already had a very good
> record
> of constituent access to candidates.
> (Emphasis added AML) ****Every Council member in one way or another
> advocated providing more
> information to improve electronic/voice access to the candidates. The only
> no vote on the current policy for improving this access came from a council
> member who wanted to go farther still...****
> <snip>
> Best wishes,
> Vern
> --
> (Emphasis added AML) Vernon Archer, ****Mayor
> Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland****
> -------------- end --------------
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