[RP TownTalk] Town Absentee Ballots

Lou King lking at knob.com
Mon Apr 23 20:49:37 UTC 2007

In  response to an off line question about Absentee Ballots I thought I 
would pass on the following:

The deadline for Absentee Ballots is a matter of practicality: 
processing the application by
the Chief Judge, ballot back to the voter, and the voted ballot to Town
Hall before the poll closes on May 7, at 8:00 pm.

For normal processing the Application for an Absentee Ballot for the May 
7, 2007 Town election should be in the hands of the Chief Election 
Judge, Riverdale Park, Town Hall, by close of business April 30, 2007.

Being this is a "small friendly" town, _emergency_ Applications for an 
Absentee Ballot can be processed, with reason, until Friday May 4, 2007, 
Town Hall, COB.  I suggest you hand carry YOUR application to the Chief 
Judge so she can hand you your ballot and you can vote and hand the 
ballot back.

Louis King
Asst. Chief Election Judge

In extreme emergencies (broken leg) someone can get your Absentee Ballot 
for you on Monday.  Be advised that this takes several trips back and 
forth to the Poll. 1) Get the application, 2) take it to the voter, 3) 
bring it back to the Chief Judge and get Absentee Ballot, 4) take Ballot 
to voter, and 5) bring voted ballot back to the poll.

Someone can act as your "agent" but I'm not sure that saves a trip by 
the time you get the agent paperwork, get it singed, etc....

I strongly suggest you plan ahead, if you will need an Absentee Ballot.  
In other words, break your leg on Wednesday ;-)

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