[RP TownTalk] TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 35

Euniverz at aol.com Euniverz at aol.com
Tue Apr 24 11:11:36 UTC 2007

I believe I have a postcard of the painting you describe that I received  
from you...I really enjoy your depictions of our town and always wanted to thank  
you for sharing them with us.
Adrianne Lefkowitz
Madison Street

Thanks  Emily. It's thoughts and memories like these that give meaning and 
character  to our little town of Riverdale Park. Though I was first attracted by 
the  historic mansion of George Calvert and the many parks, river, and fields 
 sprinkled about the town, I soon came to realize that Riverdale Park was  
really created by the railroad and perhaps the trolley. I've enjoyed riding  
into the city via the Mark Train for a number of years. I've met and talked  with 
a number of train watchers, and while the Riverdale Bookshop was still  
alive, I shared the thundering, rumbling clatter of heavy trains that would  
interrupt the musicians as they played for a room full of townsfolk. It was  
exhilarating and memorable. I felt that this was a special place. 
I did  a  painting of a small boy with his grandmother sitting in the window 
of  the Bookshop. Just outside, a freight is traversing the intersection. The 
boy,  who is suppose to be reading, is looking out the window at the train. 
The  train seems to offer excitement and flights of fancy to the youth. It will  
become an intimate part of his character, and some day, the inspiration for  
artistic or literary expression. I called the painting, "The Reading Lesson."  
Save the horns, whistles and clatter of steel wheels over steel rails.  
They're intoxicating.
Gerald King

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