[RP TownTalk] TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 35

Brian Boettger brian_boettger at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 24 12:11:27 UTC 2007

Thanks for all the comment on the Trains & Horns. I was really only 
wondering why sometimes the trains blow the horn and sometimes they don't.
I wasn't necessarily advocating silencing the horn completely. There can be 
quiet hours at night. Say 11pm - 5am. I think there would be larger problems 
if there are children "playing" on the tracks during those hours. The 
dimineshed traffic (vehicular and pedestrian) during those hours would 
seemingly make the horn less about safety. Yes, the horn is a necessity in 
broad daylight, but in the deep evening and very early morning?

>From: towntalk-request at riverdale-park.org
>Reply-To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>Subject: TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 35
>Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:36:12 +0000
>Send TownTalk mailing list submissions to
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>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of TownTalk digest..."
>Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Trains & Horns (Nancy)
>    2. Speaking of noise... (JayRite at aol.com)
>    3. The Trains etcetera . . . (johnferg27 at aol.com)
>    4. Re: Trains & Horns (Gerald King)
>Message: 1
>Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 21:26:23 -0400
>From: "Nancy" <nya_md at verizon.net>
>Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Trains & Horns
>To: <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
>Message-ID: <007b01c7860f$92573a50$4157fea9 at DDBT4981>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Anyone not interested in some sentimentality, please delete my message
>When I bought my house almost 4 years ago, I was actually attracted by
>proximity to the trains. When I was a little girl, I used to take walks 
>my Daddy (in Takoma Park) and we would stop to watch the trains go by. We
>made a game of counting the cars, or counting the coal cars, or counting 
>flatbeds, or whatever. Back then, there was almost always a caboose. Every
>once in a while, somebody was on the caboose that you could wave at.
>I'm a long block away from the tracks, so the noise isn't nearly so great
>for me as it is for others... but I LOVE hearing the train horns. That and
>the town clock [which I've noticed is, once again, not chiming!], those are
>the sounds of my neighborhood.
>   _____
>From: towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org
>[mailto:towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org] On Behalf Of 
>OurDollMom at aol.com
>Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 8:48 AM
>To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>Subject: [RP TownTalk] Trains & Horns
>I really do not know how far away you can hear
>  the horn of an approaching train BUT I have always
>  heard the train horns crossing in the Riverdale area
>  between Riverdale & Berwyn Hgts/College Park
>  train track areas.  And I have always depended
>  on the horns besides my eyes.
>And the children depend on the horns besides
>looking.  I think parents have told their kids not
>to play on the train tracks - but kids are kids -
>what is playing to a parent - is not always playing
>to a child.
>My boys played games on the tracks as kids.
>And you know I told them umteen times not to
>play on the tracks. They used to sit on the side
>of the tracks & watch the trains go by.
>My dad & his brothers (in Branchville area) used
>to walk the tracks - my uncle is 81 & still has
>his trains & scenery up in his basement. The
>other brothers have passed on now. I used to
>have trains & layout under my Xmas tree & in the
>On nice days in the past I have walked to the shop
>and crossed the tracks in the Ravenswood area or
>down at the far end of Lafayette.
>There is something about railroad tracks & trains
>that draw you there - maybe knowing how far &
>wide a train travels & what adventures a train may
>have seen.  When in my early 20s - my girlfriend
>and I hopped an open door freight train & rode - it
>was scary on the way back to jump off a slowly
>moving train car. Lucky we did not get killed.
>Since my car accident I have crossed a couple of
>times....once in the snow - but using a hiking stick.
>At the far end of Lafayette people cross all the
>time and sit along the side of the  tracks eating
>  as they leave their lunch/dinner trash laying about
>  which I used to pick up daily.  There is a path there.
>At one time there were crossing paths off and on all
>along the train tracks between Riverdale & College Pk.
>I do not have a problem with the new gates coming.
>But I do have a problem with silencing all horns.
>There has to be a HAPPY MEDIUM PLAN.
>   _____
>See what's free at AOL.com <http://www.aol.com?ncid=AOLAOF00020000000503> .
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>Message: 2
>Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 22:53:42 EDT
>From: JayRite at aol.com
>Subject: [RP TownTalk] Speaking of noise...
>To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>Message-ID: <c9b.ee3d16a.335ecb36 at aol.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>...Here's a question for anyone in the know about our city noise  
>Is it appropriate for the dumpsters at the Crescent Cities Nursing Facility
>(Old Leeland Hospital) to be picked up at 3AM IN THE MORNING!?!?!?!
>This happened again just last night and has been happening for a very long
>time. Usually, it hasn't bothered me, (maybe since I'm in construction) but
>since I have a 7 month old now, his sleeping habits are irregular at best.
>Therefore, additional noise, especially if a code violation, is not  
>by this resident.
>I'm sure it's not appreciated by the residents of the Nursing home either.
>I Nor do I think pressure washing about 50 wheelchairs at 6AM on  a weekday
>is appropriate.
>This happened about a week and a half ago. I called the Riverdale police to
>log a complaint. I never saw them come. Do'h.
>Answers appreciated
>Jay Wright
>4310 Queensbury
>************************************** See what's free at 
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>Message: 3
>Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 23:55:27 EDT
>From: johnferg27 at aol.com
>Subject: [RP TownTalk] The Trains etcetera . . .
>To: TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
>Message-ID: <d66.78978d1.335ed9af at aol.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>When I was in Town Hall, I had a very good person at MTA (Mass Transit
>Administration) at BWI Airport who would answer questions and get matters
>regarding the trains corrected as needed.
>I have no idea if JOHN MURROW is still the Trainmaster for MARC Train
>Service.  His number was 410/859-7413 and, as said above, he was very  
>He was the one who could tell me the hours of the automated  setting for 
>train station doors -- he could get a repairman out to correct  any defects
>with that system.  He arranged the group that came  and cleaned up, 
>mulched, and
>planted around the grounds of the station.  At  that time it was a group of
>young adults from a handicapped help facility and  they did excellent work.
>Incidentally, a point of curiosity, I worked with  MTA to install the 
>display panels in the station as a way to give the  station some connection 
>assorted town history subjects.  Is that how  these displays are being used
>My point is that if John Murrow is no longer at the above number, it's
>possible his replacement may also be helpful with some of the questions and
>comments I've read about the railroad crossing.  For instance, the engineer 
>  is
>mandated to blow at a certain point as he approaches a crossing -- also, 
>(it  has
>been relayed to me), when an engineer passes the home of a long-time train
>employee, (now retired),  he would give a short "toot" to the horn as a  
>sign of
>I expect John Murrow (or his replacement) would be able to get the history
>of past fatalities or other type accidents to you on request so you could
>assess  the level of hazard without a horn sounding.  I hope the same good 
>  is available to you today.
>                           Ann  Ferguson
>  See what's free at _AOL.com_ 
>************************************** See what's free at 
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>Message: 4
>Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 01:11:10 -0400
>From: "Gerald King" <Gerald at geraldking.com>
>Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Trains & Horns
>To: <OurDollMom at aol.com>,	<towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
>Message-ID: <001901c7862e$face9a50$6401a8c0 at user>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>Thanks Emily. It's thoughts and memories like these that give meaning and 
>character to our little town of Riverdale Park. Though I was first 
>attracted by the historic mansion of George Calvert and the many parks, 
>river, and fields sprinkled about the town, I soon came to realize that 
>Riverdale Park was really created by the railroad and perhaps the trolley. 
>I've enjoyed riding into the city via the Mark Train for a number of years. 
>I've met and talked with a number of train watchers, and while the 
>Riverdale Bookshop was still alive, I shared the thundering, rumbling 
>clatter of heavy trains that would interrupt the musicians as they played 
>for a room full of townsfolk. It was exhilarating and memorable. I felt 
>that this was a special place.
>I did a  painting of a small boy with his grandmother sitting in the window 
>of the Bookshop. Just outside, a freight is traversing the intersection. 
>The boy, who is suppose to be reading, is looking out the window at the 
>train. The train seems to offer excitement and flights of fancy to the 
>youth. It will become an intimate part of his character, and some day, the 
>inspiration for artistic or literary expression. I called the painting, 
>"The Reading Lesson."
>Save the horns, whistles and clatter of steel wheels over steel rails. 
>They're intoxicating.
>Gerald King
>----- Original Message -----
>   From: OurDollMom at aol.com
>   To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>   Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 8:47 AM
>   Subject: [RP TownTalk] Trains & Horns
>   I really do not know how far away you can hear
>    the horn of an approaching train BUT I have always
>    heard the train horns crossing in the Riverdale area
>    between Riverdale & Berwyn Hgts/College Park
>    train track areas.  And I have always depended
>    on the horns besides my eyes.
>   And the children depend on the horns besides
>   looking.  I think parents have told their kids not
>   to play on the train tracks - but kids are kids -
>   what is playing to a parent - is not always playing
>   to a child.
>   My boys played games on the tracks as kids.
>   And you know I told them umteen times not to
>   play on the tracks. They used to sit on the side
>   of the tracks & watch the trains go by.
>   My dad & his brothers (in Branchville area) used
>   to walk the tracks - my uncle is 81 & still has
>   his trains & scenery up in his basement. The
>   other brothers have passed on now. I used to
>   have trains & layout under my Xmas tree & in the
>   attic.
>   On nice days in the past I have walked to the shop
>   and crossed the tracks in the Ravenswood area or
>   down at the far end of Lafayette.
>   There is something about railroad tracks & trains
>   that draw you there - maybe knowing how far &
>   wide a train travels & what adventures a train may
>   have seen.  When in my early 20s - my girlfriend
>   and I hopped an open door freight train & rode - it
>   was scary on the way back to jump off a slowly
>   moving train car. Lucky we did not get killed.
>   Since my car accident I have crossed a couple of
>   times....once in the snow - but using a hiking stick.
>   At the far end of Lafayette people cross all the
>   time and sit along the side of the  tracks eating
>    as they leave their lunch/dinner trash laying about
>    which I used to pick up daily.  There is a path there.
>   At one time there were crossing paths off and on all
>   along the train tracks between Riverdale & College Pk.
>   I do not have a problem with the new gates coming.
>   But I do have a problem with silencing all horns.
>   There has to be a HAPPY MEDIUM PLAN.
>   Emily
>   See what's free at AOL.com.
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>End of TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 35

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