[RP TownTalk] trash pick-up at Crescent Cities

CAROL DE PRATO tazimax at verizon.net
Fri Apr 27 11:47:51 UTC 2007

Can you let me know what you find out too, thanks.
Carol DePrato
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: JayRite at aol.com 
  To: gerardkiernan at earthlink.net ; TownTalk at riverdale-park.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 10:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] trash pick-up at Crescent Cities


  Thank you so very much. This is all great information and much appreciated.

  I spoke with Mr. Biddle at code enforcement today. I'll be speaking further with him now that I have this info.

  Thanks again,

  See what's free at AOL.com. 


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