[RP TownTalk] the Gazette (HINES, SUSAN)

Lou King lking at knob.com
Fri Apr 27 12:53:44 UTC 2007

Got "my" Gazette and notice they didn't cover the race for Mayor 
either.   I guess if you are running unopposed your opinion doesn't 
matter to the Gazette.

I wonder how long it will take to get them to stop delivering the 
Gazette to me, again?  It took 8 weeks for them to stop delivering to 
the empty house next door (based on the trash I picked up).


Lou King wrote:
> I wander what happened to Wards 2 & 4? Unopposed but I would have liked 
> to hear what they have to say.
> Lou
> euniverz at aol.com wrote:
>> Go here to link on Q&As to multiple Riverdale Park candidates....
>> http://www.gazette.net/porttowns/news/
>> Thank you. 
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