[RP TownTalk] Electioneering policy (was Re: TownTalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 21)

Alan K. Thompson webmaster at ci.riverdale-park.md.us
Wed Apr 18 15:46:42 UTC 2007

Ms. Lefkowitz brings up a lot of points, most of which I will not
discuss, at least while wearing my listmaster's hat.  The main point I
would like to make is that posting "voting records" can easily fall
into the definition of electioneering.  If someone makes a statement
to the effect of "I strongly oppose the council's decision to (fill in
legislation).  Here is how they voted: ...." then, during election
season, to me it looks a lot like electioneering, and I have to
evaluate it very carefully.  Outside of election season this would be
fine, encouraged even, but right now we are working under very
restrictive rules.


Alan Thompson
Listmaster and Acting Webmaster, Town of Riverdale Park

On 4/17/07, euniverz at aol.com <euniverz at aol.com> wrote:
> If free press means hand bills and lawn signs, one wastes trees and the
> other amounts to eye litter (don't get me wrong, I'm all for free press!).
> I believe they are both useful vehicles for information but they are
> certainly not enough.  I say, more electrons, less trees!
> I work late, am not home weekends, and have a loud dog (as David can
> attest).  While I appreciate the time it takes to canvass neighborhoods, my
> schedule makes it an impractical way for me to learn about candidates.  I am
> sure there are others like me who have similar constraints.
> Also, there is often a question of not knowing enough of what is going on to
> even know to ask about it.  That's why I consider the idea of an organized
> candidates forum, even in tiny Riverdale Park, to be a valid one.  I'm sure
> there is a way to make it effective for candidates to use TownTalk without
> becoming unbearable.  I'm not sure I understand how we as a community can
> afford to be distant from town politics!  It almost sounded like the town
> legislators, perhaps unintentionally, threw up some barriers to discourse
> thinking there was a lack of interest on our parts.
> Since we're going to have to find out the information ourselves, I would
> like to know how the individual councilmembers voted on this issue.  Do I
> contact Town Hall for that information, or can that information be
> disseminated here?
> Adrianne Lefkowitz
> Madison Street

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