[RP TownTalk] Riverdale Corner Height

Lou King lking at knob.com
Mon Feb 12 21:00:52 UTC 2007

Back in the dark ages one of the jokes being passed around SEA was a 
fake interview of a Air Force pilot.  The news man would ask a question 
and the pilot would say "When I say the **&%$$ *@@$$XX I pointed my 
*&^%$#@@" Then the Information Officer would say "What the Captain meant 
was 'Using the best procedures ...yada yada yada...'"

In that spirit, what I think Alan meant to say was:
Pete & Sons during discussions aren't (haven't been)  constantly 
changing their position, raising new issues or changing their argument 
during negotiations and we should return that favor by not adding new 
requirements as the process continues. That is not a favor, that is just 
being civil.

I'm sure we all have had discussions (arguments) were just as you think 
things are being resolved, someone brings up another issue and the 
argument starts all over again.  If you want town center to stay just 
the way it is, develop the reputation for having a constantly shifting 

It seems to me that one of the functions of MUTC and their list of 
200(?) requirements/goals/objectives is to give anyone who wants to 
build in Riverdale a list of the rules for their project.  Now we have 
all held MUTC on high as the standard and the process from MUTC to the 
county zoning board etc is well know and has been explained again and 
again with the Patriot group, Wacova, and with this proposal. It is not 
fair (legal) to change the rules.

I have not made a secret of my view of a 5 story thing in the middle of 
town. But Pete and his group has done their homework. They have, as Alan 
said, negotiated in good faith with MUTC and MUTC has given them a list 
identifying where they comply and where they don't. It is my 
understanding that they are working to meet the objectives where they 
can and are going to ask the County Zoning Board for wavers where they 
can't. Having done their homework, they seem to have the town council 
behind them on the height thing. But as was pointed out on the 5th, 
there is an election in May. Are you running?


Leslie Plant wrote:
> It was written on the list >>Pete & Sons aren't 
> "nickle and diming" us; we should return that favor<<
> With all due respect, I don't agree that we have an obligation to "return a
> favor" when it is something that at least some of us don't want, especially
> when it is something so big and permanent.  We pay our respects to Pete by
> shopping at his store and getting pizza at his carry-out.  We don't owe him
> more than that.
> Leslie
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