[RP TownTalk] RP area childcare

Jennifer Gerwig email2jlg at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 3 15:06:15 UTC 2007

Through the custody arrangement and our work schedules my stepdaughter needs childcare on a biweekly basis thursday and friday afternoon from 2:00-ish to 5:30-ish.  Additional days will occur.  My husband is Navy and we have been using someone on base but with his new shift schedule I will be joining all the people traveling I295N to go and pick her up in Severn.  I tried this in the summer and really didn't much enjoy it.  We are looking for any public or private daycare provider who could accomodate us in or around Riverdale Park.  
  Please let me know privately of any opportunities you may know of and thank you so much in advance.

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