[RP TownTalk] Seeking local MD - general practitioner

Leslie Plant soapmkr at erols.com
Fri Jan 5 16:37:12 UTC 2007

Karen and Regina ~ It was on my 2007 list as well ~ my goal was to find a
female GP, that came with recommendations and who practiced in PG County
within 15 min of my home.  I haven't been to her yet but today, on the
recommendation of two unrelated friends, I made an appt. with Dr. Carolyn
Hammett.  She's at the corner of University & Riggs Rd (across from the Tick
Tock, I think) which is Hyattsville (or maybe Langley Park).  Her number is
301-431-4030.  She was taking new patients and she accepts my insurance
which is Carefirst (she may accept others, too ~ I didn't ask).


Karen wrote:  >> Finding a doctor in the area is on my 2007 to do list too..

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