[RP TownTalk] Vintage Pictures of Riverdale Park (Heights)

OldHouseHistory oldhousehistory at aol.com
Tue Jan 16 21:05:53 UTC 2007

I have two sets of vintage pictures of Riverdale Park (Heights) that I have on ebay, hoping to return them to the community where they belong.  53 pictures in all...I purchased them as part of a lot of DC based family photo albums, and the Le Lacheur family who had lived in Riverdale Heights in a tiny house before building a larger house there on the same lot in 1922.  

I could use some help identifying where they might have been taken, or if anyone knows of the family houses shown in the images.  

They show the Harrison family, the Old Stevens Home, The Greenblatt Home, Walter Paige home, overall views of the community showing houses in winter 1922, and E. A. and Trudie Le Lacheur.  They show the the E. A. Le Lacheur house beginning as a very small house, as well as a larger house being constructed next to it in various stages beginning in 1922.  (The small house remained in the back yard).  Some pics also show the rural nature of the area at the time, with activities of badmitten, gardening, building progress, and the finished house.  Some neighbors, too.

Any help is appreciated!  The images can be viewed here:  



I collect old pictures of Washington DC and Baltimore MD, often returning them to the respective city from afar, once the albums become part of estate sales, etc.  These types of images are usually quite rare, and are often never found in local repositories.    

Paul K. Williams

Paul K. Williams
Kelsey & Associates, Inc.
2629 Guilford Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21218

1929 13th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 213-9796
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