[RP TownTalk] Condos

Yorkedial at aol.com Yorkedial at aol.com
Thu Jan 18 19:23:27 UTC 2007

I think Jay Wright is on target. For instance, the just-opened Whitman at  
910 M St NW began offering 2 bedroom, 1 bath , 900 sq. ft. condos at $480K last  
year. Today you'll pay no less than $540K for the same unit and probably not 
get  a parking space in the building. Sure, the condo market is not soaring as 
 fast as it was, but babies are still being born and people are still looking 
for  places to live. And in Riverdale Park, there is a dearth of available  
upscale, comfortable dwellings.
The New York Times is a great newspaper but let's not confuse it for the  
paper of record for Riverdale Park. 
Jeffrey Yorke
Natoli Place
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