[RP TownTalk] Little Giant For the Win!

Andrew Farrington somefool at dvnt.com
Fri Jan 19 19:23:50 UTC 2007

On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, JayRite at aol.com wrote:

> Starbucks? Trader Joe's? Ben and Jerry's?
> Promise?!?!
> Oh, those things would be just horrible wouldn't they. I mean we already 
> have McDonalds and The Little Giant (formerly McDonalds). What would 
> become of THOSE fine establishments? (now THERE'S sarcasm).

I would love a Ben & Jerry's and the like, but, Dude Guy.

Have you actually, you know, /tried/ the 'Club LG'?  That joint /rocks/.

Walk up to Little Giant.  Get the kababs.  Lord have mercy.  MMMMM-mmmm.

Andrew Farrington
4605 Queensbury Road

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