[RP TownTalk] After new condos are built- what about traffic?

Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland twacks at his.com
Wed Jan 31 12:22:49 UTC 2007

[Sarah here.]

I agree completely that the intersection at Lafayette and Queensbury is  
horrible, both for pedestrians and drivers.

I live north of East-West highway and between the RR tracks and the  
river, and walking from our neighborhood to the train station and  
business area at "Town Center" is really dangerous - there's no place  
to cross to the west side of the street.

Driving isn't much more fun, which is why Sue has trouble walking the  
same areas. At Lafayette & Queensbury, if you are heading north to  
south on Lafayette (crossing Queensbury, instead of turning to go over  
the tracks) people honk at you, or worse yet, ignore you. I used to  
drive that stretch every morning to drop my child at daycare, and each  
day felt I was taking my life in my hands.

At Rhode Island and Queensbury, drivers heading east on Queensbury  
don't seem to understand that cars coming over the tracks don't have a  
stop sign, and don't yield to them. Drivers coming over the tracks that  
want to turn left to head south on Rhode Island run the risk of being  
hit, if not by drivers who don't want to let them turn left, then by  
the train!

It's an absolute nightmare.

Years ago I brought this to the attention of the Traffic Committee, who  
agreed that the problem was bad. In the end, their advice was to take a  
different route.

There was a plan, concocted nearly 15 years ago by MNCPPC, citizens,  
and businesses in Riverdale, that advised closing off the section of  
Lafayette that goes between the parking lot for the train station and  
Mabel Munch Park. Lafayette would connect with Natoli Place (in front  
of the large Victorian houses/apartments) and end on Queensbury,  
forcing drivers to turn left or right on Queensbury. I still think this  
proposal has merit.

We should again bring this issue (the dangerous nature of this  
intersection) to the attention of the Traffic Committee (does it still  
exist? If not, then to the Town Council), whether the condos go in or  
not. I honestly think it's a matter of life or death, and I'm stunned  
there haven't been more accidents in that area.


On Jan 31, 2007, at 6:28 AM, Sue Collins wrote:

> Maybe this has been addressed and I just haven't seen
> it, however; has much been said about how the extra
> traffic which will result from all the new condos,
> etc., being built in the area will be handled?  As it
> is now, the traffic in the Dumms' Corner/Lafayette
> Avenue/Queensbury Road area is a complete nightmare,
> especially at rush hour, and if you add having to stop
> for trains to that - whew!  If you're a full-time
> pedestrian as I am, it's almost impossible to cross
> Queensbury at Lafayette or over by S&J's to catch a
> bus during rush hour.  People don't stop to let you
> cross, and it seems most drivers don't use turn
> signals...  Anyhow, enough complaining, are there
> going to be plans to somehow handle the traffic during
> and after the construction?   Thanks!
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