[RP TownTalk] cinemas, family restaurants, etc.

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 1 14:00:41 UTC 2007

I agree, it woulc be great to reopen the Riverdale
Plaza Theatre.  What I would like is for it to be like
the cinema in Silver Spring, where they show the
"classic" films, many of which a lot of us haven't
seen on the big screen.  Yeah, I know, costs money,
planning.etc.  Oh well, I can dream.  

I also think a family restaurant would be great, but
something a bit more than burgers and wings; maybe
something along the line of Platos' diner, which has a
bit more variety?  Definitely no more "chain"
restaurants, though, we need something which would be
unique to our neighborhood.  

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