[RP TownTalk] WSSC on Ravenswood

Euniverz at aol.com Euniverz at aol.com
Sat Jun 2 16:43:28 UTC 2007

Regarding Emily's WSSC concern on Ravenswood, I seemed to have missed  Mayor 
Archer's reply that is referenced here.  Please repost as I am  interested to 
know what happened as well.
Adriannne Lefkowitz
Madison and 48th

Message:  11
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 21:57:29 EDT
From:  OurDollMom at aol.com
Subject: [RP TownTalk] WSSC Ravenswood
To:  towntalk at riverdale-park.org
Message-ID:  <d25.f8d89ed.33922889 at aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="us-ascii"

Hi Vern

I guess I was asking whoever knew  anything about the issue to enlighten me  
as to what really happened  so I can relay the message.  So what did  

Thanks, Vern for  replying.


Adrianne  Lefkowitz
Fundraising and Special Event Coordinator
Humane Society  of Harford County
_www.harfordshelter.org_ (http://www.harfordshelter.org/) 
410  836-1090, ext 131
euniverz at aol.com

Help Zuzu, Bandit and me raise  money to help the homeless animals. Visit 
_www.firstgiving.com/zuzubandit_ (http://www.firstgiving.com/zuzubandit)   and 
donate as we walk in Bark in the Park  II!

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