[RP TownTalk] baby bird in my yard

Roland Walker walker at pobox.com
Mon Jun 4 06:22:22 UTC 2007

Debbie Murphy in Public Works happens to be an expert on rescuing baby
animals of all kinds.  (301)864-1803.


On 6/2/07, Nancy Augustine <nya_md at verizon.net> wrote:
> Do I have to let nature take its course?
> I went out a few minutes ago and found a baby bird hopping around my front
> yard. It's trying very hard to flap its wings and get going, but it can only
> propel itself a few inches off the ground. My dog didn't seem interested,
> and I'm keeping my cats indoors (can't stand the thought), but there are
> some other cats that come visiting, plus who knows what other critters. Mama
> bird is hanging out, wasn't happy that I was checking out the chick. I'm not
> bird-smart, but I'm pretty sure that they're plain old mockingbirds.
> Way out of my depth, here. Any suggestions?
> ~Nancy
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