[RP TownTalk] Baby bird

euniverz at aol.com euniverz at aol.com
Mon Jun 4 13:32:54 UTC 2007

I'm probably responding way too late, but, best thing to do is give it a chance to fledge.  Especially if mom is nearby.  Leave it be.

I wish the little fella luck!

Adrianne Lefkowitz
Madison and 48th

Message: 15
ate: Sat, 02 Jun 2007 21:02:11 -0400
rom: "Nancy Augustine" <nya_md at verizon.net>
ubject: [RP TownTalk] baby bird in my yard
o: <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
essage-ID: <000e01c7a57a$d1cf10b0$4157fea9 at DDBT4981>
ontent-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Do I have to let nature take its course? 

 went out a few minutes ago and found a baby bird hopping around my front
ard. It's trying very hard to flap its wings and get going, but it can only
ropel itself a few inches off the ground. My dog didn't seem interested,
nd I'm keeping my cats indoors (can't stand the thought), but there are
ome other cats that come visiting, plus who knows what other critters. Mama
ird is hanging out, wasn't happy that I was checking out the chick. I'm not
ird-smart, but I'm pretty sure that they're plain old mockingbirds.  

ay out of my depth, here. Any suggestions?  


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