[RP TownTalk] Onslaught of Opossums in Neighborhood

Iris McLaurin-Southall elsiegoh at starpower.net
Fri Jun 8 05:29:26 UTC 2007

Onslaught of Opossums in Neighborhood

Sky or I regularly come home between 1am-3am.  For the past three weeks we
have noticed that every night, there are 2 or more opossums wandering the
streets in our yard or neighbors yards and porches on Oliver Street.

I am uncomfortable with their aggressiveness, and what appears to be an
increase recently.  I thought they are suppose to "play possum" and become
motionless if they feel threatened.  We stay completely out of their, and do
not make any attempt to 
run them away, nor to welcome them...but, they continue to advance toward us
if we happen to be in there path while trying to get out of the car.

I decided to write about tonight, because I just heard the horrible sounds
of our neighbor's cat; I don't see a possum, and I am hoping that the
possums are not attackers of any of the neighborhood pets.   I know someone
out there will educate me, no offense to the PETA people; I just want to us
all to be safe.   Bear, my dearly beloved Elk Hound died in 2000, when we
had the attack of the rabid raccoons.  Just want to be safe.

Concerned for Us & You ...on Oliver Street
(aka  Sky and Iris)


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