[RP TownTalk] Turf Field Community Meeting

Todd Whitehead twhitehead76 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 8 11:38:04 UTC 2007

I live on 51st Ave (right behind the park).  Imagine my surprise on Saturday morning when I was walking Ella (our pooch) and found the field lined by chain link fence with barbed wire.  I figured that the county was going to re-sod the field or something like that.
  I don't really have an opinion yet of turf vs. grass and will reserve judgement until I see what they have planned.
  One thing I really want to stress though is that this field needs to remain open to everyone who visits the park.  I have no problem with continuing to allow DeMatha to use the field, but want to make sure that it does not become exclusviely theirs.  I would truly miss seeing the daily soccer matches that previously took place on a nightly basis.
  I don't believe DeMatha currently plays their games at this field.  Where do they currently play?  I know they practive there six days a week for football; five for lacrosse.
  I have a lot of questions about the project, but realize this is not the forum.
  On another note (sort of related to the field): who can tell me anything about the Riverdale Boys and Girls Club building?

Dannielle Glaros <dmglaros at gmail.com> wrote:
  Dear Neighbors,  

  Just in case you missed the announcement in the Town Crier, I wanted to encourage you to attend the community meeting on the Riverdale Community Park turf field that will be held on June 13, 2007 at 7:30pm.  The meeting will be at the recreation building at the park.  The building is adjacent to the existing soccer field.

  For those of you who are not familiar, money was placed in the Parks and Recreation budget last year to construct a turf field at the Riverdale Community Park (the park off of River Road and adjacent to 51st street).  The field would replace a very worn out football/soccer field.  In general, the county is looking to locate a turf field in both the northern and southern portion of the county.  This location was chosen impart due to Dematha's interest in continuing to practice and hold games in Riverdale Community Park.  

  As a resident, I know that there are a lot of soccer fans in town who may be interested in the field.  In addition, I understand that Parks and Recreation may make space available for local groups to store gear in their building.  Parks and Recreation is also interested in making other changes to the park, which may be warranted due to the new field, including upgrading the buffer between the field and the neighborhood, possible lighting for evening games on the new field, moving the basketball court to a new location, updating bathrooms, new picnic shelters, and increasing parking.

  Hope to see you there next Wednesday.  Your feedback is critical to this project.  If you have additional questions and would like to contact me at work, please call me at 301-952-3060 or at dmglaros at co.pg.md.us.

  4800 Sheridan St



    Dannielle Glaros
  dmglaros at gmail.com

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