[RP TownTalk] Wachovia Project

Vernon Archer varcher at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 18:03:34 UTC 2007

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I would like to share some information on the Wachovia Bank proposal for
East-West and Baltimore Avenue.

First, it is both the position of Riverdale Park and Hyattsville that the
Planning Board (the ultimate zoning authority) should approve the project if
all conditions set forth in the project review by the Planning Board
professional staff are met. I verified this last evening with Hyattsville's
Mayor, Bill Gardiner.

Riverdale Park's Council endorsed the separate MUTC
committee recommendations too, but they are all covered by the Planning
review.  The only ongoing issue, and it is a big one no doubt, is that the
developer is still asking for 4 drive through lanes, while the review (and
therefore Riverdale and Hyattsville) demands 3 at most.  I believe the
Planning Board will not budge on this--it will be 3 if the project goes
forward. Since Riverdale Park took this position, only a super-majority vote
on the Board can allow more than 3 lanes.

Also, I spoke directly to Mayor John Tabori of University Park last evening
to refresh my memory about his town's position, and to get an update if it
had changed since the first hearing was held in April.  He said that his
town opposes the Wachovia plan because it calls for four drive through
lanes. I asked what their position will be if the Planning Board demands
that it be taken down to three lanes as the staff report calls for, and as
Riverdale Park and Hyattsville endorse.  Mayor Tabori said that the plan
would then be acceptable at three lanes.

Therefore, all three Towns have the exact same position on the only major
issue: No Project with four drive through lanes;  three drive through lanes
are acceptable.

I understand that some oppose the project regardless, and I respect their
opinions.  There clearly are things to oppose about it. However, it is the
opinion of those who are responsible for and elected to represent the whole
interest of the Town of Riverdale Park, that a reduced project is in that
best overall interest.

Best wishes,


Vernon Archer, Mayor
Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland
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