[RP TownTalk] Wachovia Project

Lou King lking at knob.com
Wed Jun 13 20:50:29 UTC 2007

Just a question for all those that appose the Wachovia Bank and those 
that were asking about the tax rate. And those that were pipe dreaming 
about fancy grocery stores (like on P St) that have no interest in this 
area because of demographics.

 From a logical point of view, I assume you are not in more than one of 
these groups (OK so the bank and the grocery would be nice).  Here is 
the Rt 1/East-West Hw corner, 3-4 years into the process and Wachovia 
close to building a structure, if approved, and providing revenue to the 
town SOON!  This bank building could replace the long lamented, on this 
forum, loss of the revenue from the space at "M" Square (or where ever 
it was).

New fancy stores on the area between RP and CP are nice: they are not in 
our back yard, we get the revenue, and they are down the road so we can 
talk about the for years.

The Wachovia project is here and almost now. How is your tax rate next 
year? How are your street being paid for? how is your police protection? 
How's paying for the town staff to do nice things like promote the town 
an try to attract those coffee ships and farmer's markets, bike/hiking 
trails ...

Lou King

Vernon Archer wrote:
> Dear Friends and Neighbors,
> I would like to share some information on the Wachovia Bank proposal 
> for East-West and Baltimore Avenue.

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