[RP TownTalk] Wachovia Project

ABragg7393 at aol.com ABragg7393 at aol.com
Fri Jun 15 12:58:17 UTC 2007

In a message dated 6/14/2007 9:51:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
dmglaros at gmail.com writes:

> Anyone know the dimensions of the painting?  With Wachovia moving forward, 
> would it fit on the side of the animal hospital when the building with the 
> church is torn down?  Perhaps, not the best location, but a spot worth 
> considering.  I remember the painting from when I was an UMD graduate student.  I 
> wish we could find a spot to have it hang again.

Gerald King and I looked at the painting "parts" after it was removed from 
the old building.  It was in the public works garage standing on edge.  We were 
unable to pull it out and lay it out so we could  not see exactly what was 
damaged when the fire department took it down.  Just in our casual inspection, we 
decided it needed tremendous repair and we were not sure that all the panels 
were even there and accounted for.  Gerald said he could restore that 
painting.  The original artist has since died.  Of course the painting was so very 
large, he would need a very large warehouse space to work on it.  We believe and 
I am not sure if this is accurate that the panels for the painting were 4x8 
and they were 4 across and 4 down which I think would make it around 16 feet 
wide by 32 long  or it could be 4 across and 3 down which would make it 16 feet 
wide and 24 feet long.  Maybe Gerry remembers better than I do.  We would need 
to raise $$$$ for the restoration, or we could ask the developer to donate the 
cost of restoration to the town as a gift of development.  By the way, if the 
painting cannot be restored than Gerald King is talented enough to do a copy 
of it which would look exactly like the original.  He does copy the Masters 
down at the National Gallery of Art so he would be very well qualified to do 
this.  Of course that will cost $$$ as well.  I would be willing to be on a 
committee to save this mural.


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