[RP TownTalk] Wildlife

OurDollMom at aol.com OurDollMom at aol.com
Sat Jun 16 12:25:50 UTC 2007

We bounce from far right to far left in thoughts.  Where is
the middle for wildlife??  Of course wildlife reproduces and
becomes roadkill.  Cant prevent it currently....although birth
control is being worked on.
But for the wildlife that is here, our parks,ponds,lakes
should all be connected with trails to include them along
with us.
There is so much development going on in our rural areas,
we all need to plan ahead from the smallest level up to 
make space for wildlife to be connected.
Someplace I read in the bible that there is a cure in nature
for all human disease. And that makes it important to show
respect etc to all living things & help plants, animals etc to
survive along side us.
Germany/Australia are so in tune to this & are way ahead
of us in providing for wildlife & native plants to survive along 
side people. And they are way ahead of us where environmental
issues are concerned also.

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