[RP TownTalk] Fwd: baby bird in my yard

Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland twacks at his.com
Tue Jun 5 11:03:42 UTC 2007

Leslie Plant wrote me off-list to let me know that in some cases it is 
actually ok to pick up a baby bird. I'm forwarding her note to the list 
because it has lots of great information in it....

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Leslie Plant"
> Date: June 4, 2007 8:07:25 AM EDT
> To: "'Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland'" <twacks at his.com>
> Subject: RE: [RP TownTalk] baby bird in my yard
> Hey Sarah ~ I learned this year that you can touch many baby birds and
> gently try to put them back in the nest if you can see it ~ like 
> robins,
> etc..
> "Most birds have a poorly developed sense of smell, so it is possible 
> to
> handle them without worrying that the parents will smell you and 
> reject the
> baby. If the baby bird is not fully feathered but appears healthy and 
> warm,
> and you are sure you know which nest it fell from, it can be replaced 
> in the
> nest. Make sure to observe the nest from a secluded location. If the 
> parents
> have not returned in about 2 hours, or by dusk, the baby should be 
> taken to
> a rehabilitator. If the weather is poor, cold, or rainy, you may have 
> to
> rescue the baby sooner."  ~ from Judith Holzman's wildlife 
> rehabilitation
> site.
> I found a wonderful licensed wildlife rehabilitator in Columbia this 
> spring
> when I found a tiny squirrel that had fallen from the nest before its 
> eyes
> were open.  I couldn't find the nest and I waited the prescribed time 
> and
> the parent did not come back so I contacted her and she took him in. 
> He is
> now on his way to being reintegrated to the wild.  She is a wonderful 
> woman
> ~ I felt like I was in Dr. Doolittle's office.  Here is her website 
> should
> you ever need it. http://www.allcreaturesgreatandsmall.org/
> See you in the neighborhood,
> Leslie

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